“I’ll be sticking around longer than we first thought,” Liam stated. “I was fired.”
Zach turned toward his brother and stared.
Braxton snorted. “Why don’t you kick him while he’s down? You delivered that about as softly as a two-by-four to the head.”
Liam shrugged. “No way to sugarcoat the truth.”
Zach laughed, not a this-is-hilarious type of laugh, more like an if-I-don’t-laugh-I’ll-explode-and-hit-things type of laugh. “Well, sorry you lost your job, but we could use you here and actually, that’s one less thing we have to worry about.”
Braxton didn’t know why he thought Zach might show a bit of compassion, but clearly he had used it all up on Sophie.
“What the hell is all of that?” Zach asked, pointing to the red circles and the clump of leftover fondant.
“Balls for the holly wreath decorations for the cupcakes.”
“You have to make this up that far in advance?”
“When you’re wanting a few hundred cupcakes all festive and shit, yeah. It’ll be fine in the freezer.”
Zach braced his hands on the edge of the counter and dropped his head between his shoulders. He was worn out and the fatigue was finally taking its toll. They were all stressed and worried and flat-out irritable at times, but the end of this road was in sight and they were about to start a journey that would prove just how strong their bond and loyalty truly was.
“I’m sorry you lost your job because of this,” Sophie said with a sniff as she swiped at her damp cheeks. “But for purely selfish reasons, I’m glad you’re going to be here.”
Liam turned to the fridge and pulled out another tub of fondant, this one green. “It’s not permanent, but I’ll kick things off until we can find a permanent replacement.”
Sophie took a step, but winced, and Zach quickly wrapped his arm around her waist. “I’m fine,” she assured him. “Just turned wrong.”
“Reschedule that showing,” he told her.
Shaking her head, Sophie replied, “This is the third time they’ve looked at this house. I’m hoping they’re ready to make an offer. I don’t need to walk through like I have before, so I’ll be just fine.”
Zach looked like he wanted to argue, but Sophie put her hand over his mouth. “You’re not going to win this argument, so don’t start it. I need to head out so I can freshen up my makeup. I should be home by six.”
She didn’t even give him a chance to say anything else as she kissed him and headed toward the front of the house.
“Is it just your default to argue with people?” Liam asked, focusing now on rolling out the green icing.
Braxton sighed. “Yes, he argues by default just like you poke the bear and get him angrier. You two need to cool it and concentrate on the open house and the business. We each have our roles and we need to stick with it. If we start agitating each other it will only hurt us.”
Zach narrowed his eyes. “Why the hell are you in charge?”
“I’m not in charge, I’m just the only one thinking straight right now.”
“I’m thinking just fine,” Liam replied. “I’m thinking how I want you two to get the hell out of my kitchen so I can work in peace and quiet.”
Zach reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. “You don’t have to ask me twice. I’m heading over to Macy’s to see how the work came along today.”
“When will her house be done?” Braxton asked, noticing how Liam was trying his hardest to look like he was working, but his hand had all but stilled.
“We’re hoping within the next two weeks.”
“She deserves a new house,” Braxton replied. “She’s worked her ass off since school and gave up everything to stay here for her dad.”
Zach nodded in agreement. “I’m trying to get her in before Christmas, but she may be moving that day.”
“Need my help with anything?” Braxton asked.
Shaking his head, Zach headed toward the back door. “Nah. You’d fall off the ladder and then sue me.”