“Not yet,” he whispered. “Don’t move. I just want to feel you.”

Cora’s head tipped forward, meeting his. Their breath mingled, the tension seemed to crackle between them, and Cora thought for sure she would die of want. He wanted to feel her? Could he be sexier? He knew the right words to make the biggest impact on her and he wasn’t even trying.

Cora rotated her hips. “I need . . .”

In a flash, he shoved her shirt up and whipped it off her. He was tugging the cups down on her bra at the same time he started to move. All at once he seemed to be touching her, kissing her everywhere, and all Cora could do was clutch those strong shoulders and let him.

His mouth worked over her chest, his hands dipped at her waist as he ran them back down to her hips.

“This what you needed?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered, unable to use any energy to even form a full sentence.

Those lips moved on up her neck, over her chin, and finally claimed her mouth. Cora kissed him with every bit of passion she had in her. She wanted him to know she wasn’t holding back, not anymore. Everything she had to give was his.

Every part of her body started to hum as wave after wave swept through her. He continued to kiss her, swallowing her cries and taking in her release.

Braxton covered her thigh with one hand, the other grabbed her hair and tipped her head to the side as he deepened the kiss. His entire body stiffened as he continued his assault on her mouth. Cora was still trembling from her own climax as Braxton started his, but she wanted to keep this bond, wanted to keep this connection. She couldn’t touch him enough.

As his body settled beneath hers, his lips softened until he was placing short, sensual kisses over her lips, then across her jaw and back to the sensitive spot beneath her ear.

“You’re becoming more,” he whispered. “This is just the beginning.”

Cora lay against his chest, trying to pull in enough air to just keep breathing. Nothing could’ve ever prepared her for what just took place. Nothing could’ve prepared her for those honest words just delivered to her, and nothing could’ve prepared her for falling in love with a man she’d only known a short time.

No. Nothing in her polished, well-cultured life had prepared her for Braxton Monroe.

Chapter Thirteen

“It’s not tacky, it’s festive.”

Braxton rolled his eyes and ignored the bickering between Zach and Sophie from the other room. Those two would not survive this decorating. The open house was in two days and they still were discussing tree and wreath placement. Braxton really wished Zach would just shut up. The man wasn’t going to win this fight, but for once, Braxton wasn’t going to get involved.

Braxton worked on washing and drying the new glasses and plates. Macy had some connections with her hardware store and had ordered from a housewares wholesaler at a ridiculously low price.

“When will he ever learn to shut the hell up?” Liam asked from behind.

Braxton dunked another glass in the suds. “He won’t, but Sophie’s a good match for him since she gives it right back.”

“He deserves it.” Liam rolled out more red fondant across the wide island. “Now that he’s occupied, want to tell me about Cora?”

Braxton froze, his hand gripping the glass. “You want to talk about Macy?” he asked, throwing a glance over his shoulder.

Liam grunted and remained silent.

“That’s what I thought,” Braxton muttered.

They worked in silence for a few more minutes before Liam spoke again. “You really think this is going to take off?”

Braxton rinsed the final crystal glass and dried his hands. “Yeah, I do.” He turned, resting back against the counter. “Sophie said she’s got nearly every room and the cottages booked all the way through for the next month and several bookings in February and March. I think we’ll be fine.”

Liam nodded. The muscle ticked in his jaw, just below where his scar ended. With careful precision, he sliced the tiny knife through the fondant. “I got fired.”

“What?” Braxton pushed off the counter and closed the distance between them. “What the hell, Liam?”

With a shrug, he continued to meticulously cut miniscule circles out of the thick icing. “I asked for a couple months off, I even offered without pay, and they said this wasn’t the time to be taking off with the busy holiday season. We had a few choice words and they told me if I wanted to come here, then not to go back. So, here I am working on fondant holly wreath decorations for the open house wondering if I just committed career suicide.”

Braxton listened to his brother speak. He didn’t raise his voice, didn’t show any emotion as he maddeningly concentrated on the slice of the knife.