They’d spent the last two hours working on her room in the resort. Zach had come and gone, Sophie and Macy were busy putting up trees, which may be the reason Zach had gone because he was getting his

head bit off by the other two women when he kept trying to tell them there were too many decorations.

Braxton had been a total professional and Cora appreciated the fact he wasn’t flaunting this fresh relationship in front of his family. She couldn’t deal with that step quite yet. All of this happened so fast, yet she couldn’t stop herself from getting caught up in the roller-coaster ride. She was starting to crave Braxton more and more.

“I want you to stay with me tonight,” he told her. “Tomorrow is Saturday and we have nothing to do.”


His lips covered hers, halting her protest. But when his tongue eased her mouth open and he took the kiss from sensual to curl-your-toes sexy, she completely forgot what she was about to protest. When a man kissed with this much passion, he wanted more.

Cora placed her hand on his chest and eased back. “I can’t think rationally when you’re kissing me.”

“Perfect.” The smugness to his voice had her laughing. “I hope I keep your mind muddled.”

When he brought the engine to life, Cora was still reeling from his touch. Her entire body tingled and she couldn’t deny she’d never felt as alive as she did with Braxton. He was special, he was too good to be true, and she held out a very big secret from him.

“I need to tell you something,” she blurted out before she could think better of it.

“You sound serious.”

Cora swallowed the lump in her throat. “I-I’m . . .” This was harder than she thought.

Braxton’s hand covered hers. “Whatever you want to tell me can wait until you’re ready. Yes, I want to know everything about you, but not at the expense of your nerves. When you’re with me I don’t want you to worry about anything.”

Cora sighed. She should press on, but fear gripped her and she took the easy way out. “Tell me what this surprise is.”

“Not a chance.”

“Tell me you didn’t get me a Christmas present. I don’t think we’re at the present stage.”

Braxton’s laughter filled the vehicle. “I can honestly say I didn’t spend a dime. But I’m curious about these stages. What stage are we in? The great-sex part?”

Cora felt her face heat as she clasped her hands in her lap. “I don’t have definite stages,” she defended. “And I certainly wasn’t planning on the great sex, but buying gifts isn’t something I think we’re ready for.”

“Baby, if I want to get you a Christmas present, you can sure as hell believe I will.”

When he called her “baby,” something shifted inside her. Each time he threw out an endearment, which wasn’t often, something clicked in her heart that she couldn’t identify. Okay, she could, but she wasn’t ready for that.

Clearly, there was quite a bit she wasn’t ready for where Braxton was concerned. He deserved more. He deserved a woman who could get on the same page as him. Worry settled deep within her. Where were they going with this relationship? Would they turn into something more or was a heartbreaking end in their future?

“We’re here,” he announced, cutting into her thoughts.

Cora blinked and turned toward him. “Where’s here?”

“You’ll see. Don’t move. Let me come around to you.”

He was aware that she didn’t want help, but she wasn’t going to say anything, not when he sounded so pleased with himself. Besides, she couldn’t recall the last time anyone had surprised her with anything at all.

She unfastened her belt just as her door opened. “Take my hands,” he said, taking hold of her. “Just follow me.”


“I’m getting her to put in the other car. Trust me.”

The other car? What was he doing?

He led her a few short steps away. “The door is open.” He placed her hand on the inside of the driver’s door, she could tell by the angle at which it was open. “Go ahead and get in.”