“Is she aware of this?” Zach asked, stepping around to stand by Liam. Ironic his two brothers who were always at odds looked as if they were teaming up against him.
“If you don’t have anything else to discuss, I’m going to go pick up that equipment.”
“You can dodge the question, but you better make sure your head is on straight with this girl,” Zach warned.
Braxton gave a mock salute and turned to walk out the back door.
“How’s the back today?” Zach asked.
Braxton threw a glance over his shoulder. “Better. I’ll be back.”
He wasn’t about to get into the fact Cora had massaged him into a state of near nonexistent pain. Seriously, they’d have to consider advertising that little aspect because Cora had some amazingly talented hands and had performed some miracle on his battered muscles.
Yeah, best to leave all of that out.
Before he could escape out the back door, Macy stepped up and started to knock. He waved her on in and moved aside.
“Hey,” she greeted, then glanced around the room and nearly froze in place when her eyes landed on Liam. “Am I interrupting? I didn’t know you were home.”
Liam lifted a shoulder in reply and turned away, walking out of the room. What the hell was going on with these two?
When Braxton glanced back to Macy, he caught a quick flash of... regret? She quickly masked it with a smile as she turned to Zach. “Dad took over work for the day and I thought I’d swing by and see if there was anything I could do to help.”
“You want to meet Sophie at the tree farm and save me from hauling twenty trees?”
Braxton snorted. “She’s not buying twenty.”
“Fine. Twelve trees and fifteen wreaths. It’s going to take a while to haul that.” Zach shook his head and cussed beneath his breath. “I sure as hell hope nobody is allergic to pine.”
Macy crossed the space, placed her hand on Zach’s shoulder, and gave him a slight pat. “I’ll meet her there. We’ll have a girl-bonding moment where we discuss men and how frustrating your species is.”
Braxton didn’t miss the hint of anger lacing her tone. Even her megawatt smile couldn’t hide the fact Macy was upset with someone . . . most likely the man who just stalked off into the other room.
“If you’re having trouble with a man, please don’t bring Sophie in on it,” Zach begged. “She likes me. I’d like to keep it that way.”
Macy adjusted the cuff on the folded sleeve on her plaid shirt. “I have a date later, so maybe we’ll focus on that.”
A cabinet door slammed, causing each of them to turn. Liam had come back into the kitchen, but Braxton hadn’t heard him. Clearly, he wasn’t too keen on the idea of Macy on a date with another man.
Finally. After years of trying to hide, trying to shut the world out and ignore those around him, Liam was showing some emotions.
“Text Sophie and tell her I’m on the way with my truck,” Macy stated, but her eyes remained on Liam’s broad back. “We’ll be back shortly.”
Liam muttered something under his breath and marched from the room once again.
Zach reached for Macy before she could exit. “Something going on with you and Liam?”
Braxton had never seen Macy anything but chipper and happy. But a sad smile tipped the corners of her mouth. “Nothing at all.”
Zach released her arm when she turned. Once the back door closed behind her, Braxton glanced to Zach and simply shrugged. Liam chose that moment to come back in, most likely because he’d heard the door and knew it was safe.
Bracing his palms on the center island, Zach closed his eyes and seemed to be counting beneath his breath. When he opened, he stared across the space to Braxton, then to Liam.
“If you two don’t get this shit taken care of before the open house, I’m going to have to kill both of you and then I’ll be really pissed because the last thing I want to do is run this women’s resort alone.”
“I don’t have anything to take care of,” Braxton defended easily. “Whatever is going on with Liam and Macy, though . . .”
“Nothing is going on.” The thunder in his voice implied differently. “Drop it and mind your own damn business.”