A slight release of pressure lifted from her shoulders now that she’d told him a bit about why she was here. She needed him to understand her position, but at the same time she wasn’t quite ready to reveal who she was. Money changed people and she’d already picked up on the fact Braxton wasn’t too keen on padded bank accounts. Whatever his ex had done to him, she’d really damaged a portion inside of an incredible man.

“I don’t want to get in on family issues,” he stated as he eased his hold on her. “But I wouldn’t shut them out. I know you want your independence, but I’m sure they’re worried about you.”

Perhaps in their own way they were, but she’d lived her life for them for the past twenty-four years and it was time to live her way.

“You’re the peacemaker,” she muttered. “I heard Zach say it, but I’ve seen it. You’re doing it now.”

His silence spoke volumes. Something had happened to instill such a strong trait in him.

“Care to tell me what has you so determined to keep everyone happy and all waters around you calm?”

He moved lightning fast and lifted her up and over to straddle his lap. The man was strong, that was for sure.

“When I’ve got a beautiful woman in my house, wearing my clothes, and I can still taste her on my lips, the last thing I want to talk about is my past.”

Braxton cupped the back of her head and brought their mouths together, no less explosive than hours ago when he’d done the same thing.

Cora held on to his shoulders, warmth radiated through her body. When Braxton framed her face with his strong hands and lifted his mouth slightly, Cora nearly whimpered.

“Stay,” he muttered against her mouth. “Stay with me and I’ll take you home in the morning.”

Okay, spending the night was a whole other level of intimacy. Cora hadn’t expected the question, hadn’t expected him to even want her to stay.

“I haven’t had a woman here since my breakup a year ago,” he told her as if sensing her internal battle. “Your call, but I want you in my bed. It can be for now or all night.”

Cora closed her eyes as her body continued to hum against his. “I’ll stay.”

In another unexpected move, he lifted her up and carried her. With her legs locked around his waist, her arms looped around his neck, Cora laid her head to the side and relished the fact she was being pampered by a man who obviously wanted more with her than a quick romp.

The last thing she expected to find when coming to Haven was a man who made her feel anything, really. She had never experienced such fierce emotions, she’d never ached for more and needed a man’s touch more than she needed her next breath.

But Braxton pulled passion out of her she hadn’t even known she possessed.

She’d lost all sense of direction in her state of euphoria and anticipation. Suddenly she was tipping and her back hit the plush mattress. When she started to rise up on her elbows, Braxton gently placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Don’t move. Let me.”

Let him what?

A tug on her shirt had her easing up slightly and in an instant the material was whipped over her head. His thumbs hooked into the folded waistband and slid the pants down her legs. She’d not put anything on under his clothes for two reasons: For one they’d been wet from the downpour, but for another she craved just that sliver of intimacy.

Now that she was bared to him, she was thankful for the electric being off due to the storm. She wasn’t too self-conscious, but she was a woman and well . . . okay, fine. She might have worried what he thought.

“You’re already tensing up on me,” he whispered. “I’m going to have to work harder at relaxing you.”

“If I relax any more I’m going to melt into a puddle.”

Braxton gripped her foot and started massaging. Then he moved to the other foot and moments later he was gliding those talented hands up her legs.

“You’re going to put me out of a job before I can even start,” she moaned. “You’re very good at this.”

“I’m memorizing every inch of your body.”

Instant. Chills.

The way he spoke to her in that raw, sexy tone had her trembling beneath his touch. When he skimmed right over the spot she ached for him the most, Cora groaned.

“Easy,” he laughed. “I’m taking my time with you.”