He completely covered her mouth, forcing her hips into his. She wanted explosive? Those lips of his could set her on fire.

A piercing ring cut into the moment and Cora froze.

“Ignore it,” he muttered against her mouth, still working at getting her pants down. “Everything we need is right here.”

But the phone kept ringing. When it stopped, Cora breathed a sigh of relief, until it started up again.

“Damn it,” he muttered, easing her aside so he could sit up. “That’s mine.”

Cora felt around on the sofa, looking for the shirt that had been carelessly tossed aside. She heard Braxton answer, but she desperately wanted to find something to cover herself with. All she came up with was a throw pillow.

Better than nothing.

“Damn it. I’ll be right there.”

Braxton came to his feet and sighed. “Brock was in a car accident,” he explained. “That was Sophie. I need to go.”

Cora clutched the pillow to her chest. “Go. I’ll be fine here with Heidi.”

Braxton shuffled over the floor and a moment later he was grabbing her hand. “Here’s the shirt. I don’t like leaving you here alone.”

Fisting the shirt and holding the pillow tight to her chest, she offered a light smile. “I’ll be fine. I’m used to being alone.”

“That’s the problem,” he muttered. “I don’t know how long I’ll be. Do you want me to—”

“Braxton. Go. I promise, I’m fine. Your family needs you.”

His fingertip trailed over her jaw as he slid his lips across hers. “What about you, Cora? Do you need me?”

Honesty. He valued honesty and while she hadn’t let him in on the biggest aspect of her life, she could let him in on this part.

“I’m beginning to think I do.”

With one last gentle kiss, Braxton left her alone in his house. Alone with her thoughts while still tasting him on her lips was not a good combination. She wanted to tell him who she was, but at the same time, she didn’t want to be that person anymore. She may be running, okay, yes, she was running. But she loved this newfound freedom and she wanted to embrace it for as long as she possibly could.

Chapter Eleven

“Stop hovering. I’m fine.”

Sophie smoothed Brock’s hair back from the bandage on his head. Now that they were home from the hospital and starting to crash from the adrenaline high, Sophie was still right at Brock’s side, Zach was still scowling, and the puppies were . . . oblivious to the turmoil since they were running through the house chasing each other and sliding across the wood floor.

“You scared the hell out of us,” Zach stated. “If we want to hover, we damn well will.”

“It’s just a concussion and a few stitches,” Brock grumbled, staring down at his hands.

Braxton stood off to the side in the living room of his childhood home. As somewhat of an outsider, he completely understood why Zach and Sophie were so worried. Aside from the fact Brock was their son now, both Zach and Sophie were no doubt reliving that tragic night so many years ago that altered their lives and sent Zach to prison for a year.

The muscle in Zach’s jaw kept ticking as he stood there with his hands propped on his hips. Sophie couldn’t seem to stop touching Brock and Brock looked as if he wanted to be left alone.

“Brock, why don’t you head on to your room?”

Both Zach and Sophie jerked their attention to Braxton. He merely stared right back because everyone needed a break, especially the poor teen who was going to pay the price for the fears of his new parents if Braxton didn’t intervene.

After a heavy dose of awkward silence, Brock threw a glance to Sophie and Zach before coming to his feet and quietly walking out of the room.

The second he was gone, Zach whirled on Braxton.

“Shut up.” Braxton held up his hands. “Just calm down for a minute and think before you speak.”