Without asking, he eased up the T-shirt and whisked it over her head, leaving her bare from the waist up. She shivered at his lack of touch because she knew without a doubt that he was taking in the sight.

“I wish the lights hadn’t gone out,” he muttered. “I’d give anything to see all of you.”

Cora reached for him. “Then we’ll have to explore each other in the dark. You’ll learn my body the same way I’ll learn yours.”

He caught her hand and kissed her palm. Those talented lips traveled to her wrist, the inside of her arm, and kept going. “I plan on taking my time getting to know your body, Cora. I’ve lain awake at night wondering, fantasizing. I have a need for you that runs deep.”

She closed her eyes. She didn’t want the words, she couldn’t afford to let them sink in, to give her false hope. This . . . whatever this was, couldn’t go anywhere. She was in such limbo emotionally and with the mess she’d left with her family. She couldn’t drag him into her life and she knew he had his own baggage to deal with.

“Don’t think, Cora.” His fingertips tickled over her bare skin just beneath her breast. “Just feel.”

At this point she had no choice but to feel. Even as light as his touch was, there wasn’t a nerve that hadn’t sizzled the second he’d found his way under the shirt.

His hands traveled over her. A second later his lips landed on her collarbone and that mouth cruised over her heated skin as his fingertips explored.

Cora reached out, finding his bare shoulders. Clutching that taut muscle, she arched into his touch, silently seeking more of anything he was willing to give. His touch was dizzying, consuming, addicting.

When his mouth closed over her breast, Cora bit down on her lip to keep from crying out. Braxton shifted closer, urging her back. When his broad shoulders lined up with hers, Cora wrapped her arms around him and let him guide her down. The cushion dipped beside her head just as he winced and muttered a curse.

Then she remembered he’d been hurt.

“Is it your back or shoulder?” she asked, gently gliding her hands over his back.

“Just a twinge.” His words were said through gritted teeth and he was lying.

Cora pressed her hands against his chest and pushed him back up. “Why don’t you lie down and let me . . .”

“Let you what?” His husky question sent shivers through her. “Have your wicked way with me?”

Cora smiled. “Maybe that’s been my plan all along.”

Snaking an arm around her waist, Braxton pulled her flush against his body and settled back onto his side of the wide sofa. “I’m more than okay with that plan.”

She knew there were reasons this was a bad idea—hadn’t she just reminded herself of that a few minutes ago? But with each passing moment, with each touch, she was forgetting them. Braxton’s seductive tone dripped with intimacy and the way he held her as if she were going to go anywhere made her realize he was worried she actually would.

And now that she had the control, she had no idea what to do with it.

“I have a confession,” she whispered, settling her hands over his extremely impressive pecs.

He stilled beneath her. “I’m not sure I’m ready for a confession.”

“I’m not that . . . experienced.”

“You’re a virgin?”

Shaking her head, Cora let out a sigh. “No. I’ve done this before. It was okay, not explosive like I thought it would be. But with you, it already feels different and I guess I’m just worried I’ll screw this up for you.”

Braxton’s hands slid up her bare back, sending chills racing over her skin. “Did you just request explosive? Because that is one area I can guarantee to deliver.”

Cora bit down on her bottom lip as Braxton continued to glide those roughened hands over her. “Maybe I’m not ready for this.”

He gripped her hips, pressed his forehead to hers, and held her still for a moment before replying, “Baby, you’re ready. Your body is more than ready, your mind is trying to tell you this is a bad idea, but continuing to ignore this is the bad idea.”

“I know what I want. I just need you to tell me if I do something wrong.”

He kissed her softly as his thumbs hooked into the folded waistband of the oversize pants she wore. “Everything about you is right.”
