Confused, Cora felt in front of her. “This chair wasn’t here earlier. I counted my steps.”
“I moved it so you wouldn’t have as far to go.”
Speechless at his thoughtfulness, Cora turned toward the left in the direction of his voice. When she reached her hand up to touch his face, his hand closed over hers in midair.
“You didn’t have to do that.” She couldn’t stop her smile because . . . well, no one had ever wanted to try to adapt to her world. For the past three years, she’d been adapting to everyone else’s. “I’d already memorized the layout of the living room.”
/> Braxton sighed as he squeezed her hand. “I didn’t move anything else. Sorry.”
“Don’t. Don’t apologize for being you, for trying.”
He placed a kiss on the palm of her hand before letting go. With a slight nudge, he urged her to sit. “Then I’ll apologize for the meal I’m about to make.”
Cora laughed and settled back against the cushy chair, leather if she was guessing right. “You can bring me a bowl of cereal and I’ll be fine with it. I’ll be ecstatic if you have the kind with the knockoff marshmallows that are crunchy.”
“You like junk food? Why didn’t you say so? My kitchen is stocked with junk. Liam is the chef in this family. I’m happy when my microwave mac ’n cheese doesn’t burn.”
Heidi settled right on top of Cora’s foot, but she didn’t mind. Cora had become used to the heavy dog and actually loved the familiarity when she was in unfamiliar territory. Too bad Cora didn’t have some sort of security blanket for her mental territory because all of this with Braxton was completely new ground she was covering.
Braxton ended up making them turkey sandwiches and he had some fruit to go with it. The simplest of meals, but one of the best she’d had in a long time. Come to think of it, sharing meals with Braxton had become something of a common thing lately.
“I’ve been waiting on that.”
Cora curled her legs beneath her on Braxton’s leather sofa. “What?”
“The electric finally went. The lightning is crazy out there.”
“Maybe you should’ve taken me home after all.”
The couch dipped at her side and Braxton’s arm slid behind her back. “Not a chance. I like you right here in my house, on my couch. Wearing my clothes.”
There was something so sexual about his tone, Cora had to force herself not to tremble. But her body betrayed her and shivered anyway.
Braxton shifted her shoulders back against his chest and Cora swiveled her legs around to stretch out on the cushions.
“I don’t know that I’ve ever had such a relaxing evening.” She sighed as she settled into his embrace. “You make trying to resist you more difficult, though your friend skills are amazing. I haven’t had this much fun in years.”
She didn’t have to say why, they both knew the reason.
“Tell me about your family. About this fiancé.”
A groan slipped out. “I’d rather not spoil this evening.”
His thumb stroked along her shoulder and Cora knew she was drowning fast. How could she keep her old life and her new one separate? She wanted to be this Cora, the one who fulfilled her own dreams and goals, not those of her parents.
“I’m sorry my fall scared you, but I’m not sorry you’re here.”
Cora jerked around slightly. “Your shoulder. I didn’t even think with the way I was leaning on you.”
Braxton eased her back against his chest. “I want you close. I have an amazing masseuse who came by and helped work out most of the stiffness.”
Easing back down, Cora sighed. “I’m sorry I overreacted when you fell, but I had flashbacks. I’ll probably always think the worst when there’s an accident.”
“Don’t apologize for caring or for your emotions. Trust me, if Sophie or Zach thought I needed to be seen, they would’ve tied me to the car and taken me.”
“I know I’ve only been here a short time, but I love being part of a family who is so close.” Cora toyed with the hem of the tee he’d given her to wear. “I left just to get away, to see if I could manage on my own and I am. But I’ve found so much more than I thought I would.”
“Am I part of that newfound adventure you’re glad you found?”