Since he’d taken a special liking to the body beneath the dress.
He called her name and waited until she threw him a glance over her shoulder.
“I was thinking of another swim. This time with real suits,” he added quickly. “What do you say about tomorrow?”
The smile that lit up her face was brighter than any sunshine he’d seen in Haven. “I’d like that.”
Then she turned and walked away and Braxton stared after her, knowing he probably looked like some wide-eyed, open-mouthed idiot, but watching Cora go was just as appealing as watching her walk toward him.
As she neared the cottage, Braxton glanced to Brock, who was throwing back a knowing grin in his direction.
Braxton merely waved a hand and climbed into his SUV. No reason to hang around and take a verbal beating. He needed to get home and soak his back before he started crying.
Chapter Nine
“You’ve been home for two days. You clearly need to swallow your man pride and go get an X-ray.”
Braxton rolled his eyes at Zach’s comment. “Like you’d go,” he retorted. “I’ll be good as new tomorrow. I’ve lain on this damn heating pad for so long, I’ve lost five pounds of sweat.”
“I didn’t figure you’d go, but I promised Sophie I’d ask.”
Braxton stared up at the ceiling, same as the day before. He was going to have a permanent mold of his body indented onto the couch when he got up. If he could get up. When he coughed, sneezed . . . hell, when he breathed his damn back started to scream in protest.
“Consider your fiancé duties done, then.”
“Those are never done,” Zach snorted. “Seriously, though, I want to know how the hell you got Brock to ace that test.”
“He’s a smart kid. He needs to work on his self-esteem more than his homework because he knows the stuff, he just automatically thinks he’ll fail.”
Zach muttered a curse. “I can’t fault him. I know this will take time, but I wish he understood. . . .”
“I know. He will,” Braxton assured his brother. Braxton knew full well that Zach wanted to make Brock’s life perfect right now, but the boy had fifteen years of hell he was trying to overcome and it wouldn’t happen in a few months. “He’s coming along, but it’s going to take time. Hell, you’re still a work in progress and you’re old.”
“Kiss my ass.” Zach sighed. “I need to go. I told Brock we would go car shopping. I’d rather shoot myself with a nail gun.”
Braxton laughed. Damn, you’d think he’d remember that hurt like hell. “You’re a brave man.”
“No, I’m stupid, but I’ve told him it will be a used car. He’ll put his time in on clunkers just like we did. A little more than I wanted to spend on a Christmas present, but he needs wheels.”
“Good luck, bro. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’m going to be at Macy’s most of the day tomorrow, but I’ll check in w
hen I can. Hopefully, when Liam gets back in he’ll take up some slack. I don’t want you overdoing it and making yourself worse.”
“Yes, Mommy.”
Disconnecting the call on Zach’s laugh, Braxton laid his cell on his bare chest. When he’d tried to put a shirt on this morning, he’d nearly been brought to his knees when pain radiated through his shoulder and down his back. There was no way he could go finish working on the resort if he couldn’t even get dressed.
There was also no way he could take Cora on that promised swim. He’d called her and thankfully got her voice mail. Yeah, leaving a message was the cowardly way out, but he didn’t want to have to listen to disappointment when he told her he had to postpone the swim. Not that he thought he was offering some grand event in her life and she’d be crushed, but he had a feeling she wasn’t put first in too many people’s lives and he didn’t want her to feel brushed off. Besides, the fact she wanted to get back in the water showed just how strong and resilient she was.
Tomorrow, he vowed. He’d take her tomorrow no matter what he felt like. Damn it, he hated being laid up. He didn’t recall ever being completely put out. Even when he’d helped his father and was just learning construction, Braxton hadn’t injured himself quite like this. He’d had the usual hammer to the thumb, jolt of electric when he wasn’t paying attention while changing out receptacles, minor things, but falling off a ladder because he’d placed his foot wrong on the rung was flat-out embarrassing. If his father were alive today he’d definitely get a good belly laugh at Braxton’s expense, especially because Braxton had been eyeing a beautiful woman.
The doorbell sounded through his one-story house and Braxton cringed. Who the hell was stopping by for a visit? People didn’t just drop by and visit him for no reason. Christmas carolers came out at night . . . right?
Dread settled into his stomach. If Ms. Barkley decided to stop in, as she’d done once before, he’d have to be a little more direct. He thought ignoring her calls had done the trick, but he really didn’t know anyone else who would drop by unexpected.