“Us?” she questioned. “You mean friends, right?”

Braxton kept one arm wrapped around her waist and brought his other hand up to cup her face. His thumb raked back and forth across her bottom lip.

“I have so many friends,” he told her, watching her mouth part, her lids flutter closed. “I’ve never wanted to kiss any of my friends the way I want to kiss you right now. And I sure as hell have never wanted to ignore all the reasons why we shouldn’t more than I do right now.”

“It’s just the moment.” Her head fell back slightly as she let out a satisfied sigh, betraying her words. “You’re getting caught up in the night, in the fact we’re alone and it’s dark.”

“No, I’m getting caught up in you.”

Braxton replaced his thumb with his mouth, teasing her by brushing his lips across hers. Never before had he wanted to take his time with a woman. After Anna, he’d been on autopilot. He’d find a woman, find release, and be gone. The women knew going in exactly what the game was because they were players as well.

But Cora was different. The game had changed. He either needed to relearn the rules or bow out . . . and he’d never been a quitter.

As her lips opened against his, he knew walking away wasn’t an option. There was something so potent, so powerful, yet innocent about her that made him want to take his time and discover all the layers she kept hidden.

There went that snap on the last shred of self-control he’d been waiting on. It had only been a matter of time.

Her damp hands gripped his biceps and the slight tremble that vibrated against him had him holding her tighter. Whether her body shuddered from the chilled water or his touch, he didn’t know, but he knew he wasn’t ready to let her go . . . not quite yet.

Cora sighed against him, but just as quickly as she melted, she pulled back. Her hands no longer gripping him, but pushing him. He loosened his hold but didn’t let go because he didn’t want her to get hurt.

“This isn’t right,” she muttered, shaking her head. “I want . . . too much.”

Moving toward the shallow area, Braxton waited until their feet were touching land before he released her. “It’s okay to want things, Cora. It’s okay to take what you want, too.”

“Not this time,” she whispered. “You make me rethink my plans.”

He smiled. He was the epitome of planning when it came to his work and his personal life. But everything about Cora sweeping into his life had made him want to forget details and schedules and tomorrows. He wanted now, this moment. Not just intimacy, but into a deeper level than she was letting him. When would he walk away and believe her when she said she didn’t want more?

Not until he believed it. A woman didn’t kiss like that, didn’t talk in such a raw, honest way when she wasn’t craving more. Cora was so alone, he could see it in her actions, in the way she kept holding herself back. What the hell kind of family did she come from?

Everything about her made him want to take his time, dig deeper, and forget the fact she was going to be working for his family. Had anyone taken their time to put her first? Had anyone ever tried to get Cora to open up and just be herself?

She jerked her head toward the house. “Someone’s coming.”

Braxton saw lights swing into the drive. He moved to block Cora from the trespassers as he continued to inch backward. Haven was such a quiet little town with low crime, he figured it was just people out being nosy.

“They’re leaving,” he told her as he watched the truck turn around. Once he got a good look at the vehicle, he knew exactly who it belonged to and if Zach spotted Cora here with Braxton, there would be a whole new level of attitude to his brother’s teasing next time they saw each other. The last thing he needed was to be scolded over his personal life.

Braxton didn’t care, but he was pretty sure he’d blocked her enough. Besides, the pond was away from the house so unless Zach was looking right at the area, he wouldn’t have seen Cora. No doubt he’d seen Braxton’s vehicle, though.

Yeah, there would be questions, but Braxton would handle it and leave Cora out of the discussion. She was his.

Wait . . . what? His? No, he didn’t do territory and playing for keeps. All he wanted was to get her to relax, to feel comfortable and know she was welcome here and . . .

Shit. He wanted more from her than he’d been letting himself believe. He proved that the second he canceled a date.

“Who was it?” she asked, pulling him back from his wayward thoughts.

“Just someone turning around.” No way was he going to tell her it was Zach. She’d be mortified and she was already doubting if she should be here.

He helped her from the edge of the water and Heidi immediately came over and sat on the bank. Cora shivered against him and he cursed himself for his impromptu swim. He’d wanted to make progress with her. In a sense he had because she’d let him take her to a place she’d ignored for years. On the other hand, he’d worried he’d pushed her too hard from too many angles.

“Stay here,” he told her. “I’ll go get that blanket and you can wrap up. Heidi is on your right.”

“Thanks. I felt her.”

Of course she did. But he wanted to tell her anyway. Braxton stomped off to his SUV, welcoming the coolness on his wet skin. Once he got her wrapped up and her teeth not chattering, he’d shed his boxers and put on his dry clothes. She could keep the blanket and be comfortable. Well, as comfortable as she could be considering the circumstances.