Cora lifted her face and her eyes widened just as her legs kicked against his to stay afloat.

“You’re . . . you’re not wearing pants,” she accused.

“Nope. You’re not either.”

Her fingertips dug into his shoulders. “I’m at least dressed. Oh, no,” she muttered. “Please tell me you’re not naked.”

Man, she was something. “Why do I feel insulted?”

“Braxton,” she warned, drawing out his name.

“Fine. I’m not naked. I’m wearing my underwear.”

Their legs continued to brush against each other as they worked to stay above water. He should tell her he could keep them both in place with his arms wrapped around her, but he rather liked that connection with her legs bumping his. He was a selfish guy, so what. Besides, he wanted her to continue to get used to the water and she was doing a great job. So far she’d been distracted by ducks and his near nakedness.

Stellar job, Monroe. Really nice job on helping her feel at ease.

Damn. He wanted to impress her. He wanted to help her and he wanted her to know she mattered.

“I had a date tonight.”

Why the hell had he blurted that out? What was wrong with him tonight? Enter an intriguing, beautiful, wet woman and he couldn’t control himself. He needed a filter, but it was a little late now.

Cora’s eyes widened.

“I canceled because I wanted to see you,” he admitted. “For some reason I can’t get you out of my mind when we’re not together. Trying to ignore these feelings is only backfiring because I want you even more.”

Cora continued to cling to him as the water lapped gently around them. He worried he’d gone too far, but honesty was something he’d always valued.

“Maybe this swim wasn’t the best idea,” she whispered, her eyes on his mouth.

Braxton’s entire body tightened. There was no way in hell she could see him, so she had no idea where her gaze had landed or the impact she had on him right now. But if he didn’t release her soon, she’d be finding out exactly how much he was affected by their encounter.

“Actually, I think it’s the best idea,” he countered, still in no hurry to release her. “You’re overcoming an obstacle, we had a good meal and a good laugh at your expense with the duck. I can’t recall when I’ve had a better idea. And tonight turned out better than I’d planned.”

Cora closed her eyes briefly before opening them and damn if she wasn’t staring right at his mouth again.

“What are you doing to me?” she whispered. “I didn’t come here for this.”

He knew she was referring to Haven in general, but there was nothing he could do to change the fact she was here, in his arms, when he’d actually had plans to be with another woman tonight. Fate had intervened and placed them right where they were meant to be.

“Forget the fact I’m going to start working for you in a month,” she went on. “I’m not in a place where I can let my emotions guide my actions.”

“Well, that’s definitely where we differ. I’ve let my emotions guide my actions for months now.”

“I can imagine,” she murmured. “Another reason this was a bad idea. Maybe we should go.”

Like hell. She was running scared. Yeah, he was scared, too, but damn if he’d run from fear. He’d face this head-on . . . whatever this was going on between them. Ignoring it would only make the tension grow and he refused to allow that. He refused to let his ex continue to control his life. And he suddenly realized that’s exactly what he’d been doing since she left him.

No more. This was hi

s life and if Cora could take hers back, he could sure as hell stop feeling sorry for himself and move on. Yes, he risked getting hurt again, but wasn’t Cora worth it? He had to explore whatever was happening here because not exploring it was going to drive him utterly insane.

Getting everything out in the open was the only way he lived since he’d been a nine-year-old boy. Since he’d seen his father kill his mother before taking his own life.

So, yeah, honesty was the only way he worked.

“Leaving now would be a mistake.” He loosened his grip so she didn’t feel so tense in the moment. “Don’t let your worry and doubts make decisions for you. And whatever you do, don’t let your past settle in between us.”