p; She gasped on her next step. “The water’s colder than I thought it would be,” she laughed. “You told me it would be warmer.”
“I lied.” Her instant laughter full of shock and joy warmed him. “All part of the experience.”
Within moments, her dress clung against her curves as water hit their waists. He stopped, waiting for her to grow more accustomed to the temperature. Personally, he welcomed the coolness because he had a feeling when that dress became plastered to her body, his heat level would rise.
“It’s going to be hard to get those jeans off now that they’re wet,” she commented, her tone a little shaky, and he knew she was talking through the nerves.
“Wet jeans are a bitch to remove,” he agreed.
“The sun is gone now, isn’t it?” she asked.
“How did you know?”
With a shrug, she explained, “The warmth isn’t in the air like before. My skin doesn’t feel the rays . . . if that makes sense.”
Everything about her made sense. The way she explained her life so simply had him wondering what else he took for granted. Driving a car, a sunset, waving at people as he passed by on a street. She humbled him.
“Can you see okay?”
He smiled at her concern. “The lights on the back of the house are on a timer. There’s enough of a glow I can see just fine.”
So fine, in fact, he could see her perfect, seductive shape beneath that cotton. Braxton gritted his teeth and forced himself to remain in control. This evening was about Cora, not him, not his need for her. She was venturing out of her comfort zone, not looking for a jaded playboy with ulterior motives.
“I’m going to let go of one of your hands,” he told her. “We’ll stay here for a while until you want to venture out deeper.”
“We can go on.” She slid her hands up to his wrists and circled her fingers around him, as if she silently feared he’d let go. “I’m used to the water now.”
Carefully he took one of his hands from her grasp and slid it around the dip in her waist. “I want to keep one hand on you at all times.”
“I’m sure you do,” she joked.
She slid into the water a bit more until he knew she wasn’t touching, but floating. He kept his grip on her, not ready to let go. Her hair fanned out around her shoulders. Braxton continued to watch as she transformed into some sort of goddess right before his eyes.
Cora eased her head back and shifted her body so she was floating on her back. She’d let go of him, giving him the control as he kept his hand on her side. He refused to relinquish his hold until she told him to. She was amazing and taking charge of this fear like a champ.
The dress had molded like a second skin against her body. The water lapped over her shape and Braxton had to shut his eyes and grit his teeth. There was only so much self-control a man was filled with and he was seriously at his breaking point.
Women threw themselves at him all the time, and after his breakup that had been just fine. He actually welcomed the distraction and the release from women who weren’t looking for anything more than one meaningless night.
But Cora wasn’t throwing herself at him. She was pulling him in without trying, without charming him or batting her lashes. She wasn’t playing games and she wasn’t asking for anything. All she’d done was given him a glimpse into her special world. She’d shown him how to take fear and kick its ass. He wanted to be as resilient as her, but he didn’t know if he could.
This fascinating woman had gained his attention and interest quicker than any other woman he’d ever met . . . including his ex-fiancée.
His thoughts were pierced by her scream. Braxton jerked his gaze back around, his hands gripping her tighter now. Cora’s body shifted, landing against him and sending the water sloshing around them.
“What is it?” he asked, not having a clue what had happened in the span of a few seconds.
“Something brushed against my leg.”
Braxton glanced behind her and laughed. “Those ducks I told you about. Looks like one wants to be your friend.”
Cora dropped her head to his shoulder as tension slid from her body. She literally relaxed right against him as she let out a sigh.
“You must think I’m an idiot,” she laughed. “I was so focused on not freaking out in the water, I’d forgotten about them.”
“Hey, I don’t mind beautiful women clinging to me.”