“Everything okay?” Cora asked.

Braxton settled back into the booth and sighed. “Fine.”

“Are you still angry about what happened outside?”

Braxton ran a hand over his jaw. Damn, he needed to shave. Being off his big-boy job had made him lazy.

“I’m not angry. I’m immune to those feelings now.”

Okay, well, maybe not immune, but he was no longer jealous. He was quite happy he saw Anna for who she was before he’d placed a permanent band on her finger, because marriage was a big deal. He wasn’t one of those guys who figured if things didn’t work out divorce was a fallback plan. No, when he’d proposed marriage, he’d planned on it being a forever thing. Now he knew better than to believe in some ridiculous notion.

“Let’s discuss what you need to get started. We want everything done and in place for the open house so people can see exactly what you will be offering.”

Cora leaned forward, placing her elbows on the tabletop. “You dodge the subject nicely, but I won’t make you discuss your ex. I’m happy to order the items needed. I already have an account set up at the online store I always order from. That might be the simplest way. I just need the address and I’ll have everything shipped to the resort.”

“That’s fine with me. I’ll keep the invoice and reimburse you.”

The waitress came back with their drinks. Braxton purposely didn’t glance in her direction.

Unfortunately, she leaned down and whispered, “I get off at six tonight if you want to meet me.”

“Yes, Braxton. Would you like to set up a booty call? I’m not able to meet your needs this evening since I’m still busy unpacking.”

Cora’s sweet tone delivered the bold question and it was all Braxton could do not to burst out laughing. And he couldn’t even get into the fact she’d mentioned meeting his needs. She had no idea just how much he’d like to take her up on that.

The waitress stood back up and glared over to Cora.

“Actually, I’ll pass,” he told her before she could say anything in response. “I’ve already got plans.”

Throwing a sultry look his way, the waitress replied, “If you change your mind—”

“I won’t.” Braxton was done playing games. “We’d like another waitress.”

With a huff, she turned and marched in the direction of the kitchen. She stopped by another waitress and pointed in their direction.

“Maybe we should go,” Cora suggested. “I have a bad feeling there will be spit on our burgers.”

Braxton laughed. “There won’t be. Excuse me just a second.”

He was going to find Beth, who he knew would be in the kitchen or back in her office. No way would he put up with the way Cora was treated and Beth needed to be aware of her employees. Had he been alone and the waitress had hit on him, that would’ve been one thing, but to be so blatant and so dismissive of his companion was something he wasn’t going to tolerate.

Once he settled this issue, he planned on making it up to Cora . . . somehow. The peacemaker in him couldn’t handle the friction, the turmoil that was instantly thrust against them. Although she’d not acted irritated, unless she was just a great actress. She’d been quick with her wit and hadn’t seemed hurt at all.

Regardless, he still found himself wanting to overcompensate for the attitude of a stranger. Even though he and Cora were . . . what the hell were they? Employee/employer relationships didn’t have scorching kisses like they’d shared.

Whatever the label, Braxton wanted this taken care of now.

Chapter Five

“That was amazing.”

Braxton pulled into Cora’s drive and killed the engine. She’d eaten every single bite that she had ordered. That was a rare experience, not just when he’d been engaged to Anna, but the women he’d been with since. They all picked at their food for various reasons—wouldn’t eat red meat, were vegan, didn’t do carbs, wouldn’t do fried foods—the list was endless. But Cora had eaten her greasy burger, her fries, and a high-octane, sugary pop, not the diet variety.

He wasn’t sure how the rest of their lunch would go after the extremely awkward situation, but Beth had assured him she’d take care of the aggressive waitress. In the end, he’d gotten their things to go and they’d eaten at the park just down the street near Sophie’s office.

“Glad you liked it.” Braxton reached up to pat Heidi. In just the trips today, he’d had already gotten used to the yellow Lab’s head right near his shoulder. “That’s my favorite place to eat.”