Page 88 of Boss

But now… Kelsey had seen other sides of Nathan. She might not agree with him on everything, but this morning she’d thought they’d made a good team, every bit as good as she’d been with Mr. Newman.

Then she wondered if the fact she’d slept with Nathan, submitted to him, had affected her rational-thinking skills. She shifted, highly aware she had no underwear on. This wasn’t a typical boss and employee relationship.

Getting away, establishing herself as a leader in her own right, could give her much-needed distance from Nathan.

He wouldn’t be running Donovan Logistics indefinitely. There was no guarantee she’d be considered for the job. If she stayed, she could potentially be stuck in her current position for a very long time.

She wondered if she should discuss the call with Nathan. Then she reminded herself they weren’t in a committed relationship. How much did she owe him? He’d asked for her loyalty, but did that extend to telling him about her potential career moves?

Kelsey gave herself a mental shake. Lara hadn’t extended a job offer. She’d only suggested they discuss it. It was very likely Kelsey was worrying about things that would never happen.

The phone rang again, and she leaned forward to answer it.

After she hung up, she glanced across the room to see Nathan watching her.

“Five o’clock,” he reminded her.

Every thought, every question, every hesitation fled from her mind, and she was filled with exquisite anticipation.

The end of the day couldn’t happen soon enough.

* * * *

“It’s too short,” Kelsey protested, pulling down on the hem of the leather skirt he’d selected.

Nathan sat in an upholstered wing-backed armchair, legs stretched in front of him. “Put your hands behind your neck.”

“Then it will be even shorter.”

Over steepled fingers, he regarded her implacably.

Nathan had brought her to a small boutique in the Heights, a fun, trendy area that she loved hanging out in. Though the high-end shop normally closed at six, it had stayed open for him, which meant they were alone with the owner, Gwyneth.

The store was elegant with its polished wood floors accented by thick black rugs. Gwyneth had installed custom lighting to create pizazz and ambiance and the music she played reverberated through Kelsey, making her feel sensuous.

When they’d arrived, Nathan had selected a number of items from the racks, all of which shocked her.

Her protests hadn’t stopped him from insisting she go in the dressing room and try them all on.

“Hands behind your neck,” he repeated, the words clipped. “Don’t think you won’t get a spanking right here, right now.”

Believing him, she shivered and did what he said.

“Now turn around.”

She slowly pivoted until her back was to him.

“Touch your toes.”

Since he’d ruined her underwear this morning, she knew he was going to get a scandalous view.

“I think it’s exactly the right length. Look at it again in the mirror,” he said. “Less critically. And put your shoes on.”

The skirt was an A-line, and she preferred something more tailored. But she understood his point. And truthfully, it wasn’t much shorter than the skirt she would have selected. It just seemed that way because of the cut.

It was made from a high-grade supple leather that could have been designed for her.

“Gwyneth, will you fetch us some shoes. Or better yet, over-the-knee suede boots? Size eight.”

Kelsey blinked. “How did you know that?”

“I pay attention to you, Kelsey. Now go try the skirt with the halter top.”

She went back into the dressing room but didn’t bother closing the drape because he’d already instructed her to leave it open.

After pulling off the form-fitting shirt she’d tried first, she shrugged into the leather halter top. She laced up the front through the dozen eyelets.

“Leave them somewhat loose.”

The top was the perfect combination of edgy and conservative. The straps were thick, offering plenty of support. It covered enough flesh that she felt comfortable, but offered tantalizing glimpses that she found sexy.

Gwyneth carried a couple of boxes to them, and said, “Yeah. Freaking hot.”

“I tend to agree,” Nathan said.

Kelsey sat on a bench while Gwyneth pulled out the first pair of shoes.

“No,” Nathan said. “Something classier.”

Gwyneth opened the next box and removed a pair of boots. Until that moment, Kelsey had not been a shoe addict. But now… She would never have selected suede, but they looked perfect. The heels were outrageously high, yet since they had a platform, they would be wearable, at least for a few hours. There was a sexy, unexpected cuff at the knee.