Page 87 of Boss

Since it was already late, they ate quickly then took their beverages back to the office.

A new blossom had opened on the hibiscus, the yellow a bright, welcome sight. “I’ve been meaning to ask,” she said. “Where did this come from?”

“Aunt Kathryn. She has them everywhere. Something about the color and having them indoors is soothing. As if that’s not enough, she makes the blossoms—or whatever you call them—into tea.”

She smiled. “Nice of you to indulge her.”

“I didn’t.” He shook his head. “If it died, I’d never hear the end of it. I figured the thing had a better chance of survival if you were taking care of it.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“We’ve got a lot to do,” he said. “Be ready to leave at five.”

Though she was still sad about Seward and her heart wasn’t in either her job or the evening ahead, she knew better than to argue.

Nathan went into his office and closed the door.

She sat back and exhaled then leaned forward when her office phone rang. “Nathan Donovan’s office,” she answered.

“Is this Kelsey Lane?”

She glanced at the caller identification screen. It read BHI. “Yes.”

“This is Lara Donovan. Nathan’s sister-in-law.”

“Good morning, Mrs. Donovan. Let me see if—”

“Please, call me Lara,” the woman interrupted.

Kelsey heard a hint of a soft Cajun drawl in the woman’s voice.

“I called for you, actually. Not Nathan.”

“For me?” She frowned. “What can I do for you?”

“I know this is a little unusual. Your name was on a list that crossed my desk.” Lara paused. “We’re hiring for the CEO position for one of BHI’s oil and gas holdings.”

Momentarily, Kelsey’s heart stopped, and she was certain she had misinterpreted Lara’s meaning. Feeling as if she were doing something she shouldn’t, Kelsey looked at Nathan’s still-closed door. “I’m afraid you’ve caught me off guard.”

“You’re certainly someone I’m interested in talking with,” Lara went on. “We’d have to make sure we’re a match. And of course, we are considering other candidates.”

She couldn’t begin to understand the ethical ramifications of this conversation. Nathan’s sister-in-law was reaching out to his executive assistant, someone he’d identified as key personnel, and yet…

Lara was talking about a C-level position, something that had been on Kelsey’s goal list since she’d started college, the motivation that got her through. The first time she’d spoken with Nathan, she’d told him her long-term plan was to run a company. If she left, he wouldn’t be entirely surprised. Annoyed, perhaps, but not surprised.

“Ms. Lane?”

“I’m here.” Her first instinct was to ask Lara if she was sure she’d called the right person. Her second was to show cool interest and give herself some time to think. “Is the job in the Houston area?”

“It is.”

“And pay range?”

“Commensurate with experience,” they said simultaneously.

Lara laughed. “I see why Nathan likes you.”

It jolted her to realize Lara had heard positive things about her. “Does he know we’re talking?”

“No. And it’s up to you whether or not you say anything. In fact, unless you make the shortlist—in this case, top three candidates—I won’t be mentioning this conversation to my husband.”

“I’ll admit to being a little uncomfortable.”

“I can understand that,” Lara agreed. “Donovan Worldwide, and now BHI, believes each division should be run by the best possible person. We don’t intentionally poach from each other’s companies. But it happens.”

“So if I went to work for you?”

“Under the organizational structure, you’d be accountable to BHI’s board of directors.”

The entire conversation was so unexpected that she was having a difficult time processing it. “When do you need an answer?”

“Take the weekend,” Lara suggested. “How about you call me on Monday and let me know if you’re interested in being considered as a candidate?”

Still stunned, she agreed, then wrote down Lara’s office and cell phone numbers before ending the call.

Her mind going a million different directions, she sat back to let the conversation sink in.

Had she received this call on Monday morning, the decision would have been easy. She would have immediately accepted Lara’s invitation and set up an appointment.