Page 83 of Boss

“Impressive and intrusive,” she said.

“Isn’t that the conundrum? It’s so fucking useful, though, that I leave it on most of the time. His search filters are beyond anything we’ve seen so far, as if he’s applied artificial intelligence to it. The news updates are cross-referenced. Info on all of our companies and those we’re interested in, as well as relevant market updates, show up twice a day, generally around noon after the European workday is done and then again at the end of business in Houston. I didn’t access it last night, so it was waiting for me this morning.”

Her phone chimed, and she scooped it out of her pocket.

“More intrusive technology?” he asked.

“The worst.” She swiped the screen to silence the reminder. “This is an alarm that tells me to get moving so I’m not late to work. I don’t want to piss off my new boss.”

“See that you don’t.”

She scooted off his lap and he snagged her wrist to prevent her from escaping. Before she knew what was happening, he’d plucked her coffee from her, slid it on the desk then turned her over his knee.

Kelsey yelped as she put down her hands to prevent herself from falling.

He exposed her rear, and before she was ready, he brought his hand down on her buttocks, setting her skin on fire.

When he did it a second time, she screamed. Even as she protested, heat seeped into her pussy.

“For the record, Ms. Lane, a scream is not a safe word.”

He gave her a few more spanks, leaving her desperate and needy.

“Don’t be late,” he told her, helping her to stand. He straightened her robe and handed her the coffee.

“What was that for?”

“Kelsey, if you think you can sit your squirmy little ass in my lap without me noticing, you’re wrong. Tease the wolf, you’re going to get eaten.”

“Is that supposed to scare me?”

“I don’t know. Do you want to get eaten?”

She pressed her legs together, trying to ignore the heat in her pussy.

“Half an hour, Kelsey. Be ready to go. Or else.”

Chapter Thirteen

Kelsey flirted with his words while she dressed. The or else part of his order was making it impossible to think about anything other than him taking her back to bed.

And the look in his eyes when she came out of the closet wearing a form-fitting black dress almost made her melt.

Today he wore a blue pinstriped suit with an equally dark necktie. As always, he was scrumptious. Right now, she didn’t care whether they went to work or not.

“You managed to get ready in twenty-six minutes,” he said after glancing at his watch.

“Could we pretend it was thirty-one?” She licked her lower lip.

“Get on the counter.”

An unholy thrill zinged through her.

He removed his suit coat and hung it from the doorknob.

While she was still trying to figure out the best way to climb onto the chilly granite, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her from the floor.

She did some fancy moves to get the dress up past her hips. But her underwear was still in the way. Obviously impatient, he grabbed a pair of scissors from a drawer and snipped her thong from her. “Nathan!”

“You were warned.”

“I didn’t know or else meant you were going to destroy my underwear.” Even though she was protesting, she was breathless from the forbidden thrill.

“You took the risk.”

He spread her thighs with his large hands. She was caught a little off balance, and she arched back, putting her hands behind her, both of which gave him greater access to her already-damp pussy.

“You’re wet and ready for me, aren’t you?” he asked, pressing a finger into her.

She cried out from the pleasure.

He removed his finger and placed it against her lip. “Lick it.”

Gaze locked with his, she did as he instructed, tasting her juices, knowing he’d aroused her.

“Tell me to eat you.”

“Please,” she begged, wishing she could grab hold of his face and drag it toward her pussy.

He took his time lowering his head. Then he flicked his tongue rapidly across her engorged clit. She tilted her pelvis toward him, asking for more.

Nathan parted her labia and pulled back the hood as he’d made her do the night he’d dripped hot wax on her. Maybe it was her imagination, but she still felt sensitized from that, and it took less time than usual for her to teeter on the precipice of an orgasm.

“Nathan!” She tightened her muscles, suddenly worried he wouldn’t let her come.

Instead, he used juices from her pussy to insert a finger into her ass.

She groaned and scooted even closer to him.

“I’ll give you thirty seconds,” he said against her cunt. “Or you’ll wait until I’m feeling generous again.”