Page 74 of Boss

Nathan looked at Kelsey with a raised eyebrow, and Kelsey said, “I’d love a glass.”

“Make it two,” he said. “Chianti.”

“Should I bring a bottle?”

Kelsey shook her head.

“Just the glasses, Elena. Thanks.”

Nathan led Kelsey to a small table in the back of the dining room. The plug felt even more rigid against the wooden chair. “Is there a reason you didn’t choose a booth?”


“You did this on purpose?”

“Knowing you’re uncomfortable with the plug I put up your ass? Yeah. I did it on purpose.”

She shifted her weight to one butt cheek, hoping for a little relief.

“Imagining you enduring it all day on Friday makes it even better.”

Elena walked over carrying a tray with silverware, napkins, plates and their wine.

When she left, Nathan offered a toast. “To your first experience on the spanking bench.”

“I don’t know if I want to drink to that,” Kelsey said. They clinked their glasses, then she stared into the bottom of hers to distract herself from his gaze.

They discussed business for a few minutes and were interrupted when Elena returned with an enormous pizza and placed it on a metal stand. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything that big.”

“We don’t like you to go home hungry.” Elena served them each a slice before telling them to let her know if they needed anything.

“This looks amazing,” Kelsey said when they were alone again. She lowered her head and inhaled a whiff of the garlic and tomatoes.

Nathan picked up his slice and folded it before taking a bite.

Not nearly that adventurous, she cut hers then forked it into her mouth.

The flavors exploded on her tongue. “This could be some of the best pizza I’ve ever had.” The crust was nicely browned, and the cheese was hot and melty. She thought she might be in heaven.

“Told you.”

She managed to finish two slices, but Nathan kept going, surprising her with his appetite. “I think you could have eaten that entire piece of chocolate cake the other night.”


“Thank you for recommending Andi to your sister.” Another reminder that he followed through on the things he said he intended to do.

“No thanks needed. Erin is always looking to try something new. She wore a corset to the ranch’s centennial celebration. I’m not sure the Colonel has recovered yet. And she’s annoying as hell. You’ll like her.”

Since there were still two slices left, they had the leftovers packaged to go before promising Elena they’d return soon.

Kelsey barely had time to relax on the short drive to his house.

The neighborhood was older, well-established, with oaks, magnolias, even some palm trees. Houses were spread out for privacy. This, she’d expected. The house had to have been a solid investment, one that would retain its value and increase over time, but it wasn’t in one of the pricier areas where homes were overvalued because of their zip code. It suited his fiscal personality.

He pulled up a long driveway then parked in the garage and turned off the vehicle’s headlights.

She grabbed the leftovers while he got her bag. He flipped on some lights to illuminate the path and breezeway that led to the back door.

As far as she could see from the numerous solar lights, his landscaping was lush, if overgrown. With its numerous benches and chairs, the yard issued a silent invitation to sit and relax.

Their lifestyles couldn’t be any more divergent, she realized.

Inside, the air conditioning hit her in a welcome break from the day’s cloying humidity.

She fell in love with his house instantly.

A breakfast nook was next to a window. Before he closed the shade, she noticed that the sightline included a magnolia tree. His kitchen was a designer’s dream, with under-cabinet lighting and an island at least half-again as wide as her own.

“Refrigerator’s over there,” he said, pointing.

She placed the box inside then put her purse on a counter and followed him when he offered a tour.

Whereas she was cramped in her space, he seemed to have miles of it—a two-story entryway, a dining room that seemed to be unused, a great room and a guest room on the main level.

“Did you decorate?” she asked, appreciating the crown molding in each room, and the way various cool colors complemented the hardwoods and tiles. Throw rugs, paintings and tapestries softened some rooms.

“No. I liked the way it was painted and modernized, and Erin and my mother bought the furnishings.” He shrugged. “Some of them came from the attic in the ranch, and a couple of pieces were donated by my mother.”