Page 70 of Boss

Who are you and what have you done with my cheapskate sibling? No, wait. Never mind. I don’t want him back. Whoever has Nathan’s phone, will you be my brother?

She said the first service is free just to get you into her salon.

Now I know I’m talking to my brother.


Love you, too, cheapskate.

He tossed his phone on the desk, plugged it into the charger then headed for another quick shower to rinse off the sweat.

Thoughts of Kelsey drifted to him, and he remembered her in the bath, on her knees, over his lap, hands secured with his necktie.

He took hold of his cock with his right hand. The left, he braced on the far wall. With his eyes closed, he stroked himself. Images of Kelsey superimposed themselves one on top of the other. He recalled her whimper, could almost hear her scream.

In a short amount of time, she’d given him a fuckton of trust, and he consumed it as if it were food.

Shaving her pussy, dropping hot wax on her tits, her belly, her pelvis, her red, throbbing clit.

He moved his hand faster.

Thoughts of her made him as horny as if she were there, looking up at him, begging him to slide into her.

With a grunt, he ejaculated, hot spurts of cum dripping from his hand.

But it didn’t help.

Christ alive, he still wanted her.

Chapter Eleven

“We will need to get you something to wear.”

Nathan’s words echoed in her mind, making it impossible for her to concentrate on their morning meeting.

“Ms. Lane?”

She glanced across his desk at him, mortified he’d caught her daydreaming. But since he’d left her house last night, she hadn’t been able to think of anything but him. Nathan Donovan got to her in ways no one ever had. He relentlessly pushed her, even when she wasn’t sure she could give him what he asked for. But each time she met the challenge, she felt as if she’d climbed a mountain. Every experience was exhilarating and try as she might, she couldn’t help but focus on the next.

“Ms. Lane?”

“Sir?” Since when had that been so natural? “Sorry.”

“You’ll need something to wear.” He frowned at her. “When we go to Deviation on Saturday night.”

No wonder she couldn’t concentrate. Every thought connected to him led to BDSM or sex. It seemed to consume her life.

“I was thinking we’d go shopping tomorrow after work.”

She wrote the word tomorrow on her notebook then circled it endlessly, stuck on the idea of entering a lingerie store with him.

He walked a silver pen through his fingers and sat back, regarding her. “Are you going home with me this evening?”

Stunned, she looked up.

After he’d left last night, she’d spent an hour thinking about it, debating, listing a dozen reasons she shouldn’t and only one why she should. She wanted to. That mattered more than anything. “I packed an overnight bag,” she admitted. Though technically Kelsey didn’t start work until eight, she’d arrived at two minutes before the hour. To her, that meant she was at least half an hour late, something unheard of. She’d spent far too long packing makeup, toiletries, hairbrushes, even sex toys. But choosing clothes had been the most difficult. Office wear was no problem, but lingerie? Bras and underwear? She’d pulled out her entire drawer as she’d dug through it, shoving aside briefs, thongs and boy shorts. She had no idea what he’d find appealing. It hadn’t helped that she told herself it didn’t matter. It did to her.

The most agonizing decision had been what she was going to sleep in. She’d discarded nightshirts—too lame. A silk chemise—not warm enough. A peignoir—too sexy. Thermal pajamas—not nearly sexy enough. In frustration, she’d tossed in several different things. She could figure it out this evening. “And I rode the train.”

He stilled his hand, the pen seemingly frozen in air.

She met his eyes. The green color seemed richer, more inviting than ever. In that moment, she was glad she’d made the decision she had.

“Do you need to do anything after work?”

“I was planning to use the fitness center.”

“No problem. I’ll work a little late, and we’ll plan on leaving at…six?”

She nodded.

“Anywhere specific you’d like to go for dinner?”

Kelsey shook her head.


She blinked. “Pizza?”

“There’s a place near my house, owned by twin sisters from Sicily. You might like it. Decent chianti, as well.”

He couldn’t have said anything that would have shocked her more. She would have thought he might suggest a steak or something else upscale. Pizza didn’t fit the image she had of him. Suddenly she realized she really didn’t know this man. Despite the fact she’d had the hottest sex of her life with him and had studied his business practices, she had no idea who he was at the deepest level.