Page 67 of Boss

She felt dizzy and delicious.

“Put your hands at your sides.”

Any urge to protest vanished when she saw the way he loomed over her, sinfully dominant.

With his cuffs rolled back, necktie tossed casually over his shoulder and eyes blazing, she saw what she did to him.

This overwhelming need wasn’t one-sided. That knowledge made her feel powerful.

Lust was banked in his dark-green eyes.

She could deny him nothing.

Slowly she moved her hands from her throbbing pussy.

Keeping the candle a foot or more from her, he drew a broken line as he continued to move down, farther and farther. He wouldn’t…

“Show me your clit.”

She’d never been more terrorized by a command. Nervously she glanced from his face to the flame then met his gaze. Kelsey fell back through her memories, of the things he’d asked her to do, her hesitations, her triumphs.

The candle started to drip. He put his hand beneath it, capturing it, letting it harmlessly splat in his palm.

She clenched and unclenched her butt cheeks, searching for courage, wondering if she’d find it and knowing she’d regret it if she didn’t.

“You’re curious. You want to know. How bad will it hurt? How much pleasure will it give?”

“More than anything.”

“Then pull back that hood.” Waiting, Nathan turned the candle upright, letting a reservoir of molten wax pool.

With her jaw clenched, she squeezed her eyes closed and used the index fingers on both hands to expose the tiny bit of nerves. This…this she couldn’t watch.

Her breaths came so fast she almost panted, and she expected him to encourage her to relax, maybe to ask if she was ready, but a series of warm drips seared her, making her scream, writhe, beg…fuck if she wasn’t begging for more.

He dropped one more, much closer, so searing she orgasmed with a shriek…the most intense thing she’d ever endured.

And then, then it was over.

She was gasping, and she inhaled the sharp scent of smoke as he blew out the candle. After wiping her body clean, he helped her to sit and pulled her against his chest. It took a couple of seconds for her to realize that he’d sat on the bed, back propped against the headboard, and that he was holding her close, saying amazing, loving, approving things against her ear. Kelsey held on to them as if they were a lifesaver, breathing with him, matching the rise and fall of his chest until the room came into focus.

Kelsey had no idea how long he cradled her against him. All she knew was that he was the one she’d turned to for comfort.

Long moments later, she became aware of the hardness of his cock beneath her.

And that was the one thing that would complete her.

The orgasms had been spectacular. He’d taken her places she had not even been capable of imagining. But the truth was, she was restless, unsated. She ached to have his cock in her. It was as if the scene wasn’t real without it.

She turned and straddled him.

With unusual boldness, she began to unfasten his necktie.

His eyes were an interesting color, a mix of dark and light, focus and curiosity. It unnerved her. But she continued, pulling the knot free.

“Did you think I was done with you?” His mouth twitched in an appealing way that made him seem younger, more accessible.

Her heart melted. “I was hoping you still wanted sex,” she admitted.

He reacted so fast she could never have prepared for it. Within a second, he had her pinned flat on her back, arms over her head.

“What do you want, Kelsey?” He plucked the tie from her hands.

His voice was raw with passion, giving her courage to meet him with her own truth. “You,” she said. “In me.”

Expertly, he threaded the tie around her wrists and looped it through in a figure eight. When she tried to pull loose, the knot tightened, effectively preventing her from moving.

Nathan climbed from the bed but stayed close where she could see him. He unfastened the first few buttons on his shirt then pulled the hem free from his waistband and undid the rest.


God, he was sensational.

She took the opportunity to drink him in. His chest had the exact amount of hair that she preferred, arrowing down toward his honed abs, and his waist was trim. The result of his hours in the gym showed in each cut muscle, every bit of precise definition.

Nathan’s biceps were even more defined than she’d remembered, though with the way he effortlessly moved her around, she should have known.

Kelsey wasn’t the type to drool over hot men like some of her friends. Rather, she hadn’t been until now.

He bent to remove his shoes and socks before unfastening his trousers and letting them slide down his powerful legs.

Beneath his tight navy briefs, his dick was hard. The material barely contained his straining erection.