Page 60 of Boss

Slowly she nodded.

He held his hand with his palm up, indicating she should walk in front of him.

Looking somewhat nervous, she bit her lower lip.

He kept enough slack in the leash that she didn’t strain against it, and he stayed close to her.

“If anyone had told me a week ago that I’d be leashed… Heck, fifteen minutes ago,” she corrected.

“Don’t think about what anyone else might think. Your opinion—and mine—are the only ones that matter. And I don’t think it unusual in the least, and even if it was, it’s so God damn sexy that I’d be convinced.”

When they were back at the table, she pulled out a detestable small butt plug that made her scowl.

He laughed. “There’s more in there.”

She removed the remaining items—a razor with a package of fresh blades and a travel-size can of shaving cream.

“I was hoping you forgot.”

“The thought of doing it kept me awake last night.”

She sucked in a small breath.

“There’s one more thing.”

She shook the bag to locate it then pulled it out. “A candle? That seems a bit romantic for you, Nathan.”

“We won’t be having dinner by candlelight, if that’s what you mean.”

“No?” She frowned. “For the bedroom? Ambiance?”

He shook his head.


“I’m going to drip the hot wax all over your naked body. Your nipples. Your belly. Your shaved pussy.”

She shivered. “That sounds painful.”

“I’ll make sure it’s only painful in the best possible way.”

“Fuck nuts,” she whispered as she rolled the bright-blue tapered candle between her palms. “I know you’re serious.”

“I promised you I was going to wash you and give you a shave.” He plucked the candle from her hands before unfastening the leash and removing the collar.

He liked the way she ran her fingers across her throat as if missing the strip of leather. She couldn’t know how sexy that was to him. “Please undress,” he said.


Nathan raised his eyebrows.


“Unless you’re planning to use a safe word, get on with it. Delay might earn you a few stripes of my belt.”

She flicked a quick, hot glance to his waist.

Oh, yeah. He intended to lay leather to her ass. If he did it right, they would both benefit from it.

Unexpectedly, she stalled, and he was taken aback. His little sub was deliberately provoking him.

He had never wanted her more than he did in that moment.

She kicked off each shoe, making her instantly a few inches shorter, fueling his protective impulses.

Then she went into a strip-tease, moving her hips back and forth as she reached behind her to lower the zipper. She exaggerated the motions a little more as she shimmied out of the skirt.

She bent to scoop it from the floor and tossed it onto his head.

In future, he’d have to be more careful what he asked her to do.

“Twelve is my favorite number, Sir.”

“As in stripes from my belt?”

Her cheeks were stained scarlet, so he knew she wasn’t as comfortable with this as she seemed. He schooled his features so he didn’t show how stupidly happy she made him. His Kelsey was way outside her comfort zone and seeking his reassurance. “I’ll do my part,” he told her. “But I may have a different number tonight.”

Her blush deepened and spread.

Nathan wondered if he’d be capable of going back to a professional relationship after Saturday night.

She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and off.

This time, he held a hand to catch it.

Kelsey stood in front of him in her thong and black lacy bra.

“You couldn’t be more beautiful. And I’m impatient.”

She unhooked her bra then shrugged so that the straps fell. She took her time pulling it off all the way, and when she did, her nipples were already beaded.

“So fucking sexy,” he said.

Within seconds, she’d discarded the thong.

Maybe it had been a mistake to have her do this. His control was being severely tested. “I’ll need a bowl,” he told her. “Now, please.”

“What size?”

“At least a cereal bowl. Mixing bowl is fine, as well. Maybe that’s even better.”

She walked to the kitchen, but she was looking at the ground as she brushed past him.

“Head up, Kelsey. Flaunt it.”

“I’m not all that comfortable walking around naked.” She opened a cupboard. “Especially in front of you.”

“I’ll give you plenty of opportunity to practice.”

She swung her head in his direction.

“The more you do it, the easier it will become,” he said.