Page 54 of Boss

“Doesn’t really matter. We’re on a break now.”

“Since last night,” Kelsey guessed.


“You okay?”

“I will be. Or I am as long as I don’t think about him. So. Enough about all that. Entertain me. I want to hear about Nathan and what happened between the two of you. And, oh, wait. Have you had the opportunity to get me a referral with Erin Donovan yet?”

“In the last twenty-four hours?” Kelsey scowled at her friend. “Not everything is about your business.”

“I forget that.”

“I did meet Zoe McBride today. Sofia’s sister.”

“How’s her hair?”

“I’d be surprised if she wasn’t already one of your clients.”

“I’ll send her a coupon. You know, if you send people to me, it won’t cost you much for me to add some burgundy lowlights to your hair. Normally, as long as it is, it would cost you a fortune, but—”

“I like my hair as it is. Thank you.” Kelsey took the first sip of her second drink.

Andi sighed. After falling silent, she went after some more hummus and waved a chip, encouraging Kelsey to get on with the story.

“We had coffee after work, and he gave me a ride home. And when we got there…”

“Go on.”

“He told me about the call from Connor, and he said that if I wanted to go to Deviation, he would escort me.”

Andi’s hand froze on the way to her mouth. “You’re going as his sub?” She fanned herself. “There’s more, isn’t there?”

“He wants to train me this week.” Kelsey took another fortifying drink. “He, uh, gave me an introduction last night.”

“What did he do? Tell me he spanked you.”

Kelsey hesitated a couple of seconds. “He did.”

“And how was it?”

This was unbelievably difficult to answer. “Amazing. Mind-blowing. Left me with about a hundred thousand questions.”

“Anything I can help with?”

“I don’t get why I like it.”

“Why is that a question?” Andi demanded.

Kelsey made little circles on the base of the glass. “It’s that I think I shouldn’t.”

“Because of being a badass executive assistant who’s fought male oppression half her life.”

“Well, when you put it that way…” She smiled and took a bite.

“And did you feel oppressed last night?”

“No.” Kelsey shook her head. “It was weird. It was more liberating to be that honest about what I wanted.” She remembered being bent over and the way reality had been so skewed that it felt as if she were fantasizing. “The orgasms were devastating.”

“Then why not enjoy it? Suspend judgment for the week. If you decide at any point that you don’t like something— Wait. Tell me you have a safe word.”


“Then if you don’t like something, don’t do it. Problem solved.”

Problem solved? As if it were that easy.

Andi popped the rest of the carrot in her mouth. “You could decide not to judge yourself for what you like and don’t like. Think of it as new food. You didn’t know you liked hummus until you tried it. Now you order it every time we come here.”

Kelsey rolled her eyes. “It’s a little more complicated than that.”

“Doesn’t have to be. BDSM isn’t a one-size-fits-all thing. There’s no right or wrong, and don’t listen to anyone who says there is. Everyone has limits, things about it they like, things they don’t. Some people are lifestylers, others practice it in the bedroom. Others mix it up, like doing it only on vacations or weekends. A bunch of us mostly keep it confined to clubs. For example…”

Now Kelsey was the one desperate to hear the dish.

Andi leaned in a bit. “I didn’t really like bondage all that well. Took too damn long. I normally prefer impact play. But when I tied up Lorean one time—wait, do you want to hear all this?”

“I’m not sure.” She took another sip. “Okay. I’m ready.”

“That pink rope around his…well…”

“I get the picture.” Not that she wanted to.

“I kind of want to see him in it all the time. It takes a long time, but surprisingly, I find it kind of Zen. Like yoga.”

“You gave up yoga.”

“They make you breathe. Child’s pose. Downward dog. Only got time for that in the bedroom. But anyway, I digress. Sometimes my knots aren’t as beautiful as he’d like them to be. He doesn’t care if I spend three hours tying him, but if the knot isn’t perfect, he throws a fit. That boy needs an ass-whooping,” she repeated. “And I’m thinking I’m going to be the one to do it. Really soon. Oh. Oh. Incoming.”