Page 53 of Boss

Right at this moment, she wasn’t certain she wanted to.

But what happened after their week was up? Or when she slept with him?

And how the hell did all thoughts lead straight back to Nathan?

Andi snapped her fingers near Kelsey’s face. “Earth to Kelsey.”

She shook her head. “Sorry. Thinking about Mr. Newman.”

“He’s going to be okay, right?”

“It appears so.”

“Good. Now tell me about the new boss. You hung out last night. And is he?” She fanned herself.

“Is he what?”

Andi leaned forward. “A Dom?”


She popped another olive into her mouth. “I knew it. So how did you find out?”

“I think I owe it to you.”

“Me? What do I have to do with it?”

The server brought a plate of hummus, surrounded by carrot and celery sticks along with pita chips.

“Thank God,” Andi said. “I didn’t eat today.” When they were alone again, she scooped up some dip and said, “Continue.”

“He confronted me about wanting to go to Deviation.”

“How did he find out? Did you tell him?”

Kelsey shook her head. “It was his brother. I’m not sure how, but evidently the manager recognized my name when you called. And Connor notified Nathan.” Kelsey swirled her glass to dislodge some of the chocolate syrup clinging to the inside. She could see the teardrop-shaped piece of milk chocolate at the bottom, sitting there like a reward for consuming every delicious sip.

“I’m going to need another drink,” Andi said. “This is going to be interesting. Until yesterday, I didn’t know you were into kinky shit. I mean, I know you won that paddle, but you flushed about seventeen shades of red when I smacked you on the butt with it. So I was sure you were scandalized.”

“Well, you haven’t talked much about it, either.”

“I like working over a sub or two occasionally.”

Kelsey choked on a drink. “You’re a Domme?”

Andi shrugged and signaled for their server to bring another round. “More of a switch. I like to bottom sometimes, just because I get sick of being in charge all the time. But mostly, I like being Queen Bitch, and I love to use a flogger on a woman. Their asses are so much hotter than a man’s, rounder. Softer. Though if I could get Lorean to drop his leather pants for long enough, I’d use a carpet beater on his tight butt. That’s a man who needs a serious ass-whooping.”

“You’re not his type.”

“No?” Andi took a bite from a carrot.

“Isn’t he… Wait… What?” She drained her glass. Kelsey hoped the server returned soon. She definitely needed that second drink. “You’re serious? You have a thing for Lorean?”

“Confounded drama queen.”

“Lorean?” Kelsey repeated incredulously. Her friend had worked with the man for at least three years. Constant arguments, challenges and upsets seemed to be their norm. Kelsey had no clue there was any interest there.

“Stupid, right?”

The server arrived with their beverages, saving Kelsey from an immediate answer.

“Are you finished here?” The man reached for Kelsey’s glass.

“I think she’ll break your fingers if you try to take it,” Andi said.

“Are you kidding me?” Kelsey pickup up her cocktail straw. “This is vodka-infused chocolate we’re talking about.”

“Not just your fingers,” Andi said to the server, wagging her artful eyebrows. “You’re in danger of losing your whole arm if you try to move it.”

“I’ll be back.” The man grinned and made a show of stepping slowly away from the table.

Kelsey tilted the glass and used her straw to guide the little slice of heaven into her mouth.

Since her whole body seemed warmer, she decided to go a little slower on the second drink. “Does he know?” she asked when they were alone again. “Lorean, I mean.”

“Oh, hell yes.”

“And you two…?”

“We have.”

Kelsey had known the conversation this evening was going to be wild, but she’d had no idea it would be anything like this. “So what’s the problem?”

“His lack of seriousness. Try snuggling on the couch with him.”

“Uhm. No. Good. Pass. Thanks.” To drown the image, Kelsey took the last, long drink of her martini.

“I do everything at Mach speed, and he slows me down. And it takes him longer to get ready to go places than it does me. Two of us in the bathroom doing makeup. And he even wore some of my earrings.”

“I…” She shrugged helplessly. “I’ve got nothing. I don’t even know what to say.”