Page 44 of Boss

“Seven more.”

She closed her eyes. Rather than spanking her right buttock, he caught her on the left one, stunning her, throwing off her expectations.

After delivering three more shocking smacks, he twisted the vibrator a full circle. It took all her concentration to keep her legs together and the blasted toy in place. She’d never felt so full, to the point of delirium.

“Well done,” he said.

She held on to his words through the next few, even as she twitched, not just from the spanks but also the insistent dance inside her pussy.

“How many more?”

“I have no idea,” she said. Then hopefully she added, “As many as you say.”

“You have been reading. Two. And I will enjoy it. Your ass is so red, hot to the touch.”

Mixing it up again, he seared her right cheek.

She yelped, and he delivered the last spank in a blaze of pain.

Before she finished reacting, he’d taken hold of the vibrator’s shaft and said, “Spread your legs.”

He angled a foot between hers and nudged her right ankle to the side.

While she struggled to comply, he reached up to tug on the clamps.

She moaned through gritted teeth, then he teased her clit. The sensations collided and crashed over her.

Instinctively she thrust her hips back. He pressed against her, and she felt his erection. The realization that Nathan Donovan was hard for her did crazy things to her equilibrium. She’d never been hungrier for a man’s possession.

The image of a silver spiral consumed her mind.

“Come for me.” He pressed on her clit and turned up the dial on the vibrator.

The increase in speed made her cunt clench.

Her legs weakened, but he was behind her, supporting her. His strength took her weight. Desperately crying out his name, she came.

Her body convulsed, and he spoke softly against her ear in approving tones, helping her to ride the crest even longer.

Nathan turned off the vibrator and continued to hold her until her chest stopped heaving and she was aware of him cradling her body.

“Are you back?” he asked.

She slowly, slowly exhaled, her legs feeling heavy. At some point, without being aware of it, she’d unlinked her hands and she was gripping his wrists.

“I want to take off the clips. But first I’m going to remove the vibrator.”

“As long as you promise to put it back at some point.”

“That’s the spirit,” he said as he grasped it and pulled.

It slid out with a slight pop. For some reason, having him remove it seemed potently intimate.

He tossed the toy onto the bed then helped her to stand, and once he’d made sure she was steady, he said, “You won’t have bruises, but this mark”—he pressed his hand into her buttock—“will be there at least until you go to bed.”

She couldn’t believe that by tomorrow she would have no visible signs of that painful a spanking.

Nathan turned her to face him. “It’s going to hurt when the blood flows back into your nipples.”

“I’m ready.”

He slowly removed the first.

“Crap balls.” She’d never experienced that kind of pain from the clothespins.

He sucked the abused nipple into his mouth and laved her with his tongue. The pain dissipated, to be replaced with something delicious, similar to the floating feeling she sometimes experienced before falling asleep.

“Now the other.” He cupped her breast and lowered his head.

More prepared this time, she held her breath. But there would have been no need. He was sucking on her less than a second after he’d plucked off the clip. The blood returned while she was in his mouth, and the expected pain didn’t crash through her.

“How’s that?” He pulled back from her.

She exhaled a shuddery breath. “The whole thing was beyond what I expected.”

His answering smile was slow and proud. “Good.”

Kelsey noticed his dick was still hard, and she reached out.

He put his hand over hers, guiding it the rest of the way to his cock.

She looked up at him. “Are we going to have sex?”

“Not tonight.”

Maybe because he’d said no, she desired it even more.

“Another thing for us to talk about,” he said.

“Does everything have to be discussed to death?”

With his free hand, he scooped her hair from her shoulders. “I tend to be cautious.”

“What shakes you up?”


“Does anything make you move faster? Cut through your reserve?”

He shook his head.

Suddenly, she wanted to be the one to do it, make him as mad for her as she was for him.

She squeezed his cock and stroked it.

He captured her hand in his unrelenting grip. “After we’ve talked about it.”