Page 37 of Boss

A bit embarrassed, she looked away from him.

“Or preparing my drink the way I like it. Turn around.”

When she did, he continued, “Or me doing this for you.” He scooped her hair from her shoulders and clipped it high up on her head. “And this…” He ran his thumb up the back of her neck then leaned in to kiss her nape.

A shock wave went through her.

It was soft, magical, simultaneously sexy and sensual. She was undone.

Then he slapped her ass.

She leaped and squealed.

“Into the shower.”

Was this the way it would be between them, so multidimensional and complex?

Steam billowed around her in the shower stall, but it didn’t provide much of a curtain to shield her from his view.

“Tomorrow night, I will wash you,” he said.

Her heart stopped before she remembered she had plans with Andi. “About that…” She grabbed a bar of soap and lathered it, not meeting his gaze. “I am meeting a friend for happy hour.”

“No problem. Call me when you’re done and I’ll give you a ride home.”

She turned to look at him. “I might be out late.”

“All the more reason for me to see you home safely.”

“Really, Mr. Donov—”

“I take care of what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours.” She could hardly think over the roar in her head.

“This week, you are.” He paused. “Stop trying to make things difficult, Kelsey. It will be easier that way.”

She exhaled. What the hell had she gotten into?

“And you’re stalling. Finish up. I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

Kelsey slid the soap back into the holder and washed her body, aware of how hard her nipples were.

“Tomorrow we’ll shave your pubic hair.”

She froze. “What?” She kept it trimmed and neat. “I like it as it is.”

“Would you prefer a Brazilian wax?”

“Oh, hell no.”

“Try again with the proper response. You do remember what that is, don’t you?”

Her head spun. It was one thing to read about this kind of thing, but another entirely to have the words directed at her.

“I can’t hear you,” he prompted.

“Yes, Nathan, I remember.”

“Would you like a Brazilian wax before we go to Deviation, sub?”

His words and uncompromising tone unfurled a ribbon of heat in her. “No, Sir.”

“Take the showerhead down to rinse off.”

She did as he’d said, and she washed the lather from her shoulders, allowing the warm water to run down her back and torso.

As she was ready to turn off the faucet, he said, “Turn the setting to pulse then masturbate with it.”

Kelsey didn’t consider herself a prude, but she’d never had a man watch her play with herself. Intimacy. He hadn’t spoken aloud, but the word hung there. That was what he was doing, she realized, weaving a spell between them. He would be asking things of her that no other man ever had.

She moved the dial as he’d instructed, then she spread her legs.

“Face me.”

Though she exhaled, she didn’t protest.

“Gorgeous. Now part your pussy lips. I want to see your clit get red and swollen.”

She used two fingers to expose herself.

“Farther. Or I can go get clips and tie back your labia.”

“You wouldn’t!”

“Try me, sub.”

She considered him. He had one eyebrow raised. Even though he seemed completely at ease, there was no doubt he was serious. Fuck if his implacability didn’t make her even hotter.

He lifted his glass to her.

Trying to ignore her sense of embarrassment, she spread herself even farther before directing the spray toward her pussy.

Involuntarily she clenched her muscles.

“Better,” he approved. “Much.”

The nozzle forced out another burst. The feeling of heat and pressure, along with the knowledge he was watching, made her legs wobbly.

“Keep your legs wide,” he said. “That’s it. Move the showerhead and your hips. Make sure your clit gets plenty of attention.”

Focusing on all his instructions while the spray continued to arouse her was difficult.

“I love watching my sub get horny for me.”

His words magnified the sensations.

“Do you wish it were more?” he asked. “Hotter? Greater pressure? More constant?”

Her body jerked in response to the spray, and she couldn’t find the words to answer him.

She tightened her buttocks as an orgasm began to build. She bit her lower lip and moaned a little.


The word was impossible to process.

She was so close, so aroused… Kelsey closed her eyes. Almost. Just a few more seconds…