Page 34 of Boss

“More pressure than anything.” He was glad she hadn’t said no. “A distraction from other sensations, and an addition to them at the same time. When I play with a sub, I like for her entire body to come alive. I find that her orgasms last longer and happen more frequently that way.”

She picked up her wine and took a big gulp, as if looking for fortification. “Well, maybe for some women.”

He waited.

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. Then again, I can’t believe I’m showing my boss my sex toys.” She shook her head.

“What is it you don’t want to tell me?”

“I almost never have orgasms when I’m with a man.”

“Oh? Maybe it’s the fault of the person you’ve been with. Have you ever been with someone who made your satisfaction his sole mission? Who watched you intently, every action, reaction. Every moan, groan? A partner who drove you to the edge of your endurance? Not just once but over and over?”

She scoffed then laughed a little. “I’m sorry,” she said. “That wasn’t meant to be rude.”

He noticed that she absently rubbed her rear. Interesting. Hot.

“Honestly, it sounds like the stuff I fantasize about. You know…” She seemed to cast about for clarification. “You know…something that you want to have happen but never does. It seems it’s over before it ever starts.”

“Challenge accepted, Ms. Lane.”

Her mouth parted before she pressed her lips together. “It wasn’t meant that way.” She shifted her weight from foot to foot. “It’s probably just me.”

Then, as if anxious for the conversation not to continue, she lifted a small butt plug from the drawer.

It was a thin, silicone thing. Not much fatter than one of his fingers. “Do you play with that?”

She put it down on the bed, but he realized she’d used the action to avoid eye contact.

“Do you?” he repeated.

“I have. A couple of times,” she admitted.

“Do you like it?”

She turned her head so that she glanced at him for a second before going back to what she was doing, which was mostly hiding from him. “It helps me get off,” she admitted.

“And do you enjoy anal sex?”

“I’ve never had it.”

“Would you like to?”

“I’ve heard it hurts like hell.”

“That wasn’t an answer. Look at me.”

Slowly, she did.

“What’s the biggest thing you’ve had in your ass?”

“I’m hoping the floor is going to just open up and swallow me at some point.”

“There’s no escape from me, Ms. Lane. I will pursue you relentlessly. I will have my answers. I’ll force you to think about things you never have before.”

“You already have.”

He nodded tightly. “So answer the question. So far, what’s the biggest thing you’ve had up your ass?”

“Just this.”

“You’ve never experimented with your boyfriends?” he persisted. Even if he were vanilla, if he knew his woman was interested in being fucked in that tightest hole, he’d have been all over it.

“I tried with one.” She did look at the hardwood plans, as if still hoping for escape. “He couldn’t…ah…”

“Maintain an erection?”

She breathed out in a huff. “Exactly.”

He nodded, appreciating her honesty, then asked, “Anything else in there?”

“My wand.”

Of course. Many women he knew, and a good number of Doms, owned one.

She pulled it out and put it on the bed next to her other toys.

“How often do you use it?” he asked.

“Every time I masturbate.”

“Which is how often?”

“I don’t know.”


“You are annoyingly persistent,” she said around an irritated sigh. “Twice, maybe three times a week.”

“And you orgasm then?”

“Most of the time. Sometimes, I just use it to help me relax so I can go to sleep.”

“If we play together, you won’t be using it unless I give you express permission.”


“My submissive’s orgasms belong to me.”

Color drained from her face. “I’m not your sub.” But her voice lacked conviction, and her words were barely above a whisper.

“You want to be.”

“Oh my God.” She closed the drawer.

“Isn’t that why you’re going to Deviation? Because you know there’s more to life, a relationship, sex than what you’ve experienced up until now?”