Page 26 of Boss

“I’ll walk you to your car.” He stood at the same time she did.

“Thanks, but I’m on light rail today.”

“And you didn’t plan on staying so late.”

That much was true.

“I’ll give you a ride home.”

“Really, Mr. Donovan—”

“Nathan,” he corrected.

She exhaled. “I’m capable of seeing myself home.”

“That was never a question. I’m heading out. So are you. No sense in it taking longer than it needs to.”

If he’d been overbearing like her father, she would have refused. But he was being practical. And getting home, to her bath, wine and bed that much faster had a lot of appeal.

“Be reasonable, Ms. Lane,” he continued, his tone light. “As I said earlier, not everything, including this relationship, has to be a battle.”

“In that case, thank you.”

He picked up her duffel bag then put his fingers on the small of her back as he guided her toward the exit.

She went rigid. His touch was intimate, too familiar for a superior. But for a Dom, it was exactly perfect.

Suddenly she could barely breathe.

Kelsey told herself she was making too much out of this, that he meant nothing by it. He was probably being a gentleman, the way he was raised. But her response was anything but nonchalant.

A wayward part of her wanted him to take her into his arms. She told herself she shouldn’t like it, but she enjoyed the strength and power he exuded. The more rational part of her personality, the one that kept her working toward her goals—and away from overbearing men—urged her to protect herself, flee if needed.

She moved her purse to her other shoulder as a way to create a little motion to pull away and promised herself she’d put more distance between them once they were outside.

“I’ll be back for more of that cake,” Nathan told Marvin on the way out.

“Enjoy your evening with your employer, Kelsey,” Marvin said.

“I’m warning you…” she replied. But she realized how it might look. Nathan had stood close to her, paid for the order and now he was touching her as few other men had.

“Shall we?” He opened the glass door for her, and his genuine, easy smile made all of her tension vanish.

Until they arrived at one of the nearby garages and walked toward the farthest car in the lot, a serviceable but nonetheless luxurious SUV. “I’m a bit surprised,” she admitted when he opened the door for her and she inhaled the scent of expensive leather. “I expected you to drive something a little less…showy.”

“Because I’m cheap?”

“You’re making me wish I could eat those words like I did the cake.”

“You’ve misinterpreted frugality with suffering. This vehicle has one of the best warranties on the market. It gets exceptional fuel efficiency, retains its resale value, has a five-star crash rating and features I enjoy, such as satellite radio to keep up with the stock market and local news.” He put his hand on the car frame above her head. “It’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth equipped so I can talk on the phone or listen to messages and emails while I drive. It allows me to continue the business day. I consider it a mobile office. Economizing further would be a bad decision. And I don’t like to make many of those.”

“No. I imagine you don’t.”

“I understand you’re interested in BDSM?”

Scorched air rushed out of her lungs. She couldn’t think or breathe. “What?” she managed, but even she realized it sounded like an admission rather than an incredulous question.

“The manager of Deviation called my brother this afternoon. Seems your friend Andi sent an email inquiring about bringing a guest to this Saturday’s event.”

Oh my God. She allowed her shoulders to collapse against the buttery leather seat.

“Of course, all requests are vetted before a pass is approved. My brother Connor recognized your name. And I’m curious why you want to go.” He grabbed the safety belt then reached over to buckle her in. “Dominance or submission? Maybe bondage, Ms. Lane? Or are you perhaps a bit of a masochist?”

His face was inches from hers and his fresh, spicy, scent was potent, further scrambling her thoughts. Something deep inside her compelled her not to look away, even though she wanted nothing more than to vanish.

“Which is it?”



Unsure how to answer, she nodded slowly.

“I will teach you whatever you want to learn.”

Oh God. Yes. No. Yes. She was terrified, thrilled.

“Hang on, Ms. Lane.” There was no smile on his face, nothing but cold, calculated intent. “Your life is about to get interesting.”