Page 20 of Boss

“He’s got a problem.” Lawrence pressed his point.

“And we have help for that too. You talked to him, explained it to him, didn’t you?”

He nodded.

“He was given every opportunity. You can only save people who want to save themselves. He’ll be awarded unemployment benefits.”

Without another word, Lawrence put the file on her desk.

“Go home,” she told him. “Enjoy spending some time with your wife.”

He scowled.

“She won’t be pregnant forever,” Kelsey said.

“If I have to go to the convenience store one more time at midnight…”

“Stock up. Hide the stuff she craves in your car. All you’ll have to do is walk to the driveway.”

He loosened his tie. “Not possible. I don’t know if it’s going to be pretzels or ice cream. Last night it was licorice. Black licorice. Who the hell ever wants black licorice?”

“Goodnight, Lawrence. Give Erika my regards.”

“Go home yourself,” he said.

After he left, she glanced toward Nathan’s office to see the door was open. She wondered when he’d done that, and how he’d managed it without her being aware of it. With a frisson of alarm, she replayed the conversation, just to make certain she hadn’t said anything he’d take exception to.

She locked the file in her cabinet for the next day before contacting Seward’s field supervisor. The man explained that the tugboat captain was currently in the middle of his days off, so the termination would occur when he returned.

Though the field supervisor didn’t argue, there were long, uncomfortable silences on the line. She knew it was the man’s least favorite part of the job, and truthfully, it was hers too. No matter how justified, she hated it. Especially when she had a personal relationship, like she did with Seward. “If you need me or someone from HR to be there with you, let me know.”

“I’ll think about it overnight.”

Kelsey ended the call then finished a few more tasks before uncomfortably shifting in her chair. Her lower back felt stiff, and she did a gentle stretch. In surprise, she realized it was after seven o’clock. On some level, she’d been aware it was getting dark, but she’d had no idea it was so late.

She heard Nathan’s deep baritone in conversation, and she debated whether or not to let him know she was leaving. With Mr. Newman, that hadn’t been a problem. Holly expected him for dinner promptly at five-thirty, so he never stayed later than five. Generally, Kelsey was still at her desk when he walked past with a wave and a cheery goodnight.

Since she didn’t want to interrupt Nathan, Kelsey reviewed her upcoming calendar then made a list of her priorities for the next day. After tucking the paper beneath her keyboard, she shut down her computer.

Then came the big, internal debate. She wanted a hot bath and a glass of wine. She needed a workout. Kelsey knew that if she went straight home, the workout would never happen.

She grabbed her workout bag and purse before riding the elevator to the building’s tenth-floor fitness center.

Except for one other woman who was in the shower, the locker room was empty. This late in the evening, that wasn’t a surprise.

Kelsey changed into her gym clothes, pulled her hair back into a ponytail then grabbed a bottle of water and picked up her phone.

The message icon was on and she checked it. Not surprisingly it was from Andi.

Called Deviation. I think we’re in for this weekend. More deets with drinks.

Kelsey’s hand shook. She couldn’t believe she was actually considering going to a BDSM club.

Her hands were still trembling as she selected some music then put in her earbuds and walked toward the fitness center.

Though the area wasn’t large, it was well equipped with a small free weight area, a few circuit machines and plenty of cardio pieces, all of which faced windows and had views of a downtown park.

She froze when she saw Nathan on the treadmill next to the one she liked to use. It was difficult to believe she’d been in the locker room for so long that he’d managed to beat her to the fitness center.

His headset was plugged into the machine, and he was watching business news on the attached monitor.

He wore a dove-gray T-shirt and shorts that showcased his powerful, muscular legs.

Damn. How was it possible that he was more appealing out of a suit than in it? He ran with a fluid, purposeful grace, making the exertion seem effortless.

Everything in her responded to him. Her pulse thundered, her lips felt parched. On some deep, core level, she wanted to be possessed by him.

She’d never had that kind of visceral reaction to a man before, and it terrified her, made her edgy.