Page 15 of Boss

“Morning, Martha,” Kelsey replied.

The older woman angled her head toward Nathan with a puzzled frown.

“Martha, I’d like you to meet Nathan Donovan.”

“Donovan?” After pursing her lips, the woman faced him. “And what are you doing here, young man?”

Kelsey turned away to hide her smile, really happy she hadn’t warned Nathan about the woman’s directness.

He greeted her with a smile and a handshake before resting his hips comfortably on the edge of the table. The act made him look less intimidating, more approachable. “I’ve heard great things about you,” he said.

The intractable tone had vanished from his voice, as if it had never existed.

Kelsey clenched her back teeth.

“I know it’s a shock, but Mr. Newman is in the hospital.” He held up a hand, forestalling her next question. “He’s expected to make a full recovery. Ms. Lane will be sending flowers on behalf of the company.”

Kelsey scowled, more than a little frustrated that it hadn’t already occurred to her to do exactly that.

“As for what I’m doing here…” Conversationally, Nathan relaxed his shoulders.

It wasn’t just his posture that invited trust, it was the warmth in his tone, something she hadn’t heard until now.

“Mr. Newman would never have wanted it to be announced this way, but he was in the process of selling the company. We were originally planning to close next year. Obviously the timeline has been moved up, something no one would have wanted or been able to foresee. From here forward, it will be known as Donovan Logistics. Because you’ve been here so long, we wanted you to be among the very first to know.”

He was good. Friendly, direct, inviting trust. Not at all what she’d expected based on his reputation.

“While there will be some changes, I can assure you that there are no immediate plans to restructure. We’re pleased with the way things are going, and we’ll continue forward.”

She noted the way Martha responded to his charm, part sympathy for Mr. Newman, part reassurance for the future. And giving her plenty of gossip to spread through the company. Kelsey was beginning to get a toothache from the way her jaw was set in response to the youngest Donovan brother.

The door opened and two VPs entered. A few seconds later, a sales manager joined them.

It was go time.

She squared her shoulders and made introductions. Within minutes, she was dealing with IT, ensuring remote logins from the docks were coming online and answering questions about Donovan’s intentions and Mr. Newman’s health.

At one minute until eight, Nathan took control of the room.

He raised his voice the barest hint and asked people to be seated, and he pulled back the chair next to his for Martha. The woman nodded in satisfaction.

As much as Kelsey was loath to admit it, he did a masterful job. Mr. Newman’s meetings almost always started around five after, since he waited for everyone to arrive, grab a coffee and get situated.

At exactly eight o’clock, Nathan began. He took out a piece of paper and began addressing the people in attendance as well as those joining via video. He had obviously prepared and rehearsed for this. Though he waved in two latecomers, he kept going and never tripped over a word. Meticulously, he crossed items off his agenda before moving to the next topic.

At every turn, she was reluctantly impressed. She’d spent years trying to keep Mr. Newman focused, but his meetings had always meandered. In contrast, Donovan was on target.

Then he surprised her by inviting her to say a few words about the going-away party. She promised details would be forthcoming by the end of the weekend.

“Thank you,” he said, taking control again. “If you have any questions, feel free to ask.” He reiterated his key points—jobs were safe, Mr. Newman was appreciated and everyone’s help was needed in order to make the transition smooth. “I know you’ll do an excellent job of informing your people.”

Next he addressed the video attendees, letting them know he intended to visit the docks before the end of the workday.

He passed out a stack of business cards. “Please send me an email by lunchtime letting me know how your meetings went.”

Shockingly, he wrapped up in under fifteen minutes. He stayed around to answer a few questions and greet the late arrivals.

Kelsey realized Nathan had set a new tone. Things were more precise and better organized. He’d left no doubt there was a new boss, one who was serious.

She stood and gathered her belongings.

“I like the young man.”

With a frown, she turned to look at Martha. “Mr. Donovan?”

“Seems honest. I don’t think Mr. Newman would have chosen him as the new CEO if he hadn’t been the right person.”