Page 13 of Boss

He scanned the organizational chart.

“She’s not on there, but maybe she should be. Martha’s been with Mr. Newman since the beginning. In fact, she held this job before I did. When she was ready to retire, we created a position for her with less demanding hours. Martha’s the grandmotherly type, and she knows everyone’s secrets.” Including one or two of Kelsey’s own. “Martha gets invited to baby showers and weddings.”

“I’ll make sure I spend a few minutes with her.”

“We should also bring in a few people via video. I’ll arrange for it. What time?”

He looked at the watch that she was sure most of the people on the planet coveted.

“I’d like to stick with my original schedule. Eight o’clock?”

It would take a small miracle. Fortunately, having worked for Mr. Newman full-time for four years with a couple more summers where she interned, Kelsey specialized in miracles. “I’ll get out a group text and give the IT department a heads-up.”

He nodded brusquely before standing. “This isn’t the way I’d imagined this morning happening,” he said.

“Me either.” She’d expected Mr. Newman to arrive, walk into the office suite with a smile, point at the coffee cup and ask, “Is that for me? You’re an angel, Kelsey.” Instead, he was in the hospital, he’d lost his business, and now she worked for Donovan Logistics and had to call Nathan boss.

He extended his hand. “Welcome to Donovan Logistics, Ms. Lane.”

She couldn’t force herself to respond in kind. But she did stand and accept his hand. Then she wished she hadn’t. His grip was sure and strong. She realized how much he towered over her. She was tall, and the heels she always chose put her at or above eye-level with most men, but she stood several intimidating inches shorter than he did.

This close, she breathed in the scent of him. Power and the subtle scent of citrus. It was as alluring as it was potent.

Refusing to succumb to the intimidation and the raw sensation of feminine vulnerability that threatened to engulf her, she tipped back her chin. “I’ll meet you in the conference room in thirty-five minutes. We should be early. Down the hall, past the elevators, on the right.”

“We’ll arrive together,” he contradicted as he released her hand.

She’d met a number of powerful, obstinate men in her life. He was light years ahead of all of them.

With a crisp, silent nod, he returned to his office.

Once he’d shut the door, she allowed her shoulders to slump.

The man’s vortex consumed her and part of her wondered how she’d survive it, and whether or not she could.

Though she no longer needed it, she took a big drink of the coffee before making the meeting arrangements.

Within two minutes, she’d received a handful of curious replies. A couple of people said they’d be late but they’d be there. The IT manager predictably sent back a message complaining about the short timeline, especially since it was so early on a Monday morning.

She heard the sound of Donovan’s voice, and though she couldn’t make out the words, his tone was firm and reassuring. Leadership qualities, she noted begrudgingly.

Precisely thirty minutes later, she put her card key badge around her neck and knocked on Donovan’s closed door. That was another thing that was different. Mr. Newman prided himself on accessibility to the staff. Unless he was in a rare private meeting, his office was open.


She turned the knob and popped her head inside the door. “Ready when you are.”

Nathan stood then turned down his shirtsleeves. He grabbed silver cufflinks from his desk and threaded them through the small holes.

Despite herself, she watched, fascinated. Although she’d had a couple of fairly long-term relationships, Kelsey had never been with a man who wore cufflinks.

After adjusting his tie, he grabbed his suit coat and shrugged into it before giving a tight nod. “After you.” He picked up a manila folder and a silver pen.

He followed her from the office, and the fact that he was behind her made her a little more nervous. Aware.

As they walked down the hall, he fell in step next to her.

“Anything I need to know?”

She purposefully redirected her mind to work. “We’ve got a couple of people who will be arriving late. Other than that, IT should have the video communication system ready when we get there.”

They reached the door and she waved her card key in front of the sensor. When it didn’t work, she tried again.

“Allow me,” he said.

Skeptically, she stepped aside. Nathan put his hand on the pad and she heard the snick of the lock releasing.