“There’s more.” He nodded toward the bag and rocked back on his heels.

She pulled out another stocking, then another. Tissue paper lay all around her, the stockings on her lap as she stared down. Ryker couldn’t see her expression for her hair curtaining her face.

Unable to stand the silence, he squatted in front of her.

“I don’t have a fireplace,” he started, reaching for one of the stockings. “I was hoping we could hang these here.”

When she tipped her head to look at him, one tear slid down her cheek. “You put my name on one and yours on the other.”

Ryker lay the smaller stocking over the larger ones. “And this will be for our baby. We can have the name put on once we know it.”

“How did you...this... I don’t even know what to say.”

Speechless and in tears. Ryker was taking all of this as a very good sign. But he also knew Laney wouldn’t be so quick to let him fully in. He’d been so back and forth, he needed to lay it all on the line and explain to her just what he wanted. Holding back was no longer an option.

“I hope you don’t mind. I made a few adjustments to your plans with Mr. Pauley.”

Laney’s eyes widened as she sat up straighter. Her mouth formed a perfect O, and she continued to stare.

“I went back to my neighborhood, thinking maybe I could settle those demons once and for all.” Before he would’ve gotten up to pace or avoided looking at her face, but he reached for her hands instead. “Mr. Pauley thought I was there to meet with him since you mentioned going by today.”

“I... I called him a little bit ago but got his voicemail.”

Ryker squeezed her hands. “Why did you start this project, Laney?”

“I wanted to make a difference for some kids.” She glanced down at their hands, a soft smile adorning her mouth. “I started this before you ever told me the full story of your childhood. I’d heard enough over the years and always wanted to do something of my own. When I thought about what you went through, I would get so upset. I thought opening a place for kids to come after school would be ideal. They can get help with homework, we can feed them. In the summer, they can play basketball, interact with other kids and hopefully stay out of trouble.”

She kept talking until Ryker put his finger over her lips. “You humble me, Laney O’Shea. Those kids are going to love this, love you.”


g out, he tipped up her chin with his finger and thumb. “Not as much as I love you.”

The catch in her breath had Ryker easing forward, closing the space between them as he covered her mouth with his. He stole only a minor taste, promising himself more later.

“I do love you, Laney. Maybe I always have, but I was damn scared of it.” She laughed, her eyes sparkling with more unshed tears as he pushed on. “You knew it, and I’m sorry it took me so long to catch up. But I have this past that sometimes threatens to strangle me and I...I’m working on it, but I can’t work on my own. I need you, Laney.”

She threw her arms around his neck, crushing the stockings and tissue between them. “I don’t want you leaning on anyone else. Because I need you, too.”

“I want to be here, with you.” He eased back but didn’t let go. “Your house is warm, it’s perfect for our baby, for us. Our family.”

“You want to move in here?” she asked, her eyes widening. “My brothers—”

“Aren’t welcome. This is about you, me and our baby. Your brothers have an issue, they can take it up with me. I love you, Laney. I’ve never loved another woman. I want to be a team with you. All of the things I worried exposing you to, you’ve understood all along.”

Laney’s hands framed his face as her eyes searched his. “All of this came from you discovering my project?”

“The project just opened my eyes,” he told her. “But why didn’t you tell me?”

Laney shrugged, nibbling on her lip. “I didn’t tell anyone. I told you I wanted something just for me. I’ll tell the guys later, but I didn’t do this so you all would be proud. I’m doing it for the kids.”

Ryker settled his hands on her belly. “You’re going to be the best mother. I can’t wait to be a family with you.”

Laney rested her forehead against his. “We’re already a family.”


“And who are you again?”