isguises, made enemies all in the name of loyalty and love for this family.

And he was finally coming home with the one true gift he’d always longed to deliver.

* * *

“How the hell had we missed this?” Braden asked.

Laney couldn’t take her eyes off the tubes. Nine of them lay on Braden’s desk. And they were all there to witness this important moment in the O’Shea family history: Mac, Jenna, Braden, Zara, Laney—and Ryker. She’d never in her life seen him so excited. The pride on his face... Laney couldn’t put into words the transformation.

She’d had news to share with them about some antiques at an old estate not far outside the city that they needed to acquire, but that could definitely wait. This moment had been a long time coming. Decades. And here they all were gathered around her father’s old desk. Laney couldn’t help but feel as if he were here in spirit.

Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them away.

“I never even knew that step was loose, let alone came apart,” Zara stated. Shock laced her voice as she, too, continued to stare. “I’m sure my grandmother didn’t either or she would’ve told me. She was only a baby when she went to live there.”

“Dad was adamant that there were no hidden areas,” Braden chimed in. “We knew of the small tunnel that led into the kitchen, but nothing like this.”

Braden turned his attention to Ryker and slapped a hand onto his shoulder. “You did it.”

Ryker nodded, not saying a word. He may have appeared to have it all together in that typical Ryker fashion, but Laney knew that inside, he was trying hard to keep his emotions in check.

“I had to,” Ryker finally murmured, his eyes fixed on the layout. “I owe you all—”

“Nothing,” Braden confirmed. “I know I was pissed at you for the whole Shane incident—and I won’t even get into Laney—but I see why you took matters into your own hands this time. If you do it again, though, I’ll kill you.”

Ryker’s mouth twitched, but he merely nodded.

“But this is something I honestly never thought would happen in my lifetime.” Braden’s voice grew thick with emotions. “Dad would be so damn proud of you.”

A tear trickled down Laney’s cheek. Zara wrapped her arm around Laney’s shoulders, giving silent support. They were all feeling years’ worth of frustration, hope, determination, all rolled into this moment. So many leads, so many cities... Ryker had single-handedly trekked all over the globe in an attempt to bring these home where they belonged.

“We need to get these in the safe,” Mac chimed in. “Nobody can know they’re here, and the security should probably be bumped up.”

“I’m already on it.” Work mode, that’s what Laney could concentrate on. She swiped her damp cheek. “I have an alarm you can put on just the safe. It’s sensitive but necessary.”

Braden nodded. “Great. How are you doing on the search for our mole?”

“It’s got to be one of the employees at the main office.” A sick feeling settled in her stomach at the thought of anyone doing this to her family. “That narrows it down to six. Viviana is the newest employee, but I almost feel she’s too obvious. Maybe whoever is doing this is using the timing of her coming on board.”

Braden carefully capped the narrow tubes and placed them all back into the shallow box. “Keep everyone working on a regular schedule.”

“What?” Mac questioned.

“Keep the enemies close,” Ryker added. “Now that we know it was one of them, Laney can keep an eye on everything they’re doing on our system.”

“And they won’t have a clue,” she added with a smile. “This is my favorite part of work. Oh, also freezing assets. I do enjoy knowing our enemies are broke.”

Jenna laughed. “I’m so glad I’m on your good side.”

Laney couldn’t help but widen her smile. “You’re safe. The DeLucas on the other hand...”

“What did you do?” Braden asked, his hand resting on the now-locked box.

With a shrug and a surge of pride, Laney met the questioning gazes of her brothers and Ryker. “Merely closed some credit cards, possibly drained their off-shore bank account.”

Ryker’s eyes widened, his nod of approval giving her another burst of excitement. No way was she going to let them get away with the petty little game they played with Ryker. Braden said no more violence, fine. She didn’t get involved with that part anyway. But she could sure as hell ruin someone’s life. Hard to keep being a jerk when you were broke and powerless.

“I swear, you scare me sometimes,” Braden added. He came around Ryker and gave her a brotherly hug. “Just be careful. I know you make sure things can’t be traced back to you, but I still worry. Especially now that you’re pregnant.”