There were other items she couldn’t see without craning her neck, and that would be bad form.
She did see him take out a bottle of water before he placed his bag on the floor and turned back to her.
Those dratted nerves returned, double time.
Without speaking, he picked up a chair and moved it close to where she knelt.
After sitting, he finally shattered the quiet by telling her, “Please stand and remove all your clothes.” He offered his hand to help her up.
His grip was strong, firm, reassuring. Their bodies were close, and the setting pulsed with intimacy.
He released her, and she drew her shirt over her head.
“Purple?” he asked. “Another surprise. I’m betting the panties match the bra.”
“Why would you guess that, Mr Tomlinson?”
“The bra isn’t as risqué as I expected. Therefore I figured you bought a matched set.”
He was right.
She dropped the shirt to the floor before unzipping the skirt and wriggling out of it. Maggie felt as if she were doing a striptease for him.
“Very nice,” he said as he swept his gaze down her body, taking in her thong, stockings and garter belt.
Now she was doubly glad she’d made the purchases.
She stepped away from the skirt.
“Do you dress this way at work?”
“You’ll never know, Mr Tomlinson.”
The air seemed to hum with a sudden electrical current, like she’d felt in lightning storms on high mountain peaks. She hadn’t meant it to sound like a challenge, but it had come out that way.
“Please continue,” he said into the seething tension.
The first few minutes with a new Dom always made her uneasy, until she slid into the place where nothing interfered with her thought process, where doubts buckled beneath the heartbeat of instinct.
Aware of his scrutiny, she reached behind her and unhooked the bra clasp before drawing the straps down her arms. Still looking at him, she dropped the lacy lingerie and pulled her shoulders back.
He tapped his forefingers together. “You have gorgeous breasts,” he said. “How sensitive are your nipples?”
“Not very,” she replied. Beneath his scrutiny and the room’s overhead fan, they began to bead. “When I masturbate, I need a lot of stimulation, so I put clamps on them.”
“And would you like me to put a pair on you this evening?”
“If it pleases you, Sir. I mean, yes, please, Mr Tomlinson.”
“I understand why you’re the company’s lead salesperson,” he said with a slight nod of respect. “You’re highly adaptable. This side of you that wants to please must be helpful in business development. It seems sincere.”
“Thank you for saying so.”
“You could try it when you enter my office.”
“And you could release me from that employment contract.”
“Without your talents, World Wide Now stands to lose a significant amount of sales revenue. If you opened a competing business or moved to one of our competitors, it could be up to forty per cent. So the answer is no.”
The argument was a familiar one. If she were honest, she’d admit he was right. Their customers liked her. Her mother was the firm’s creative talent, though. She had an eye for web branding, from actual design to implementation. Together they made a hell of a team, and customers were loyal to her mother, often returning for additional campaigns.
David stood and crossed to the counter. “Tweezers or clovers?”
“Clovers. That way you can tug on them and they’ll stay in place,” she said. “Please.”
He selected a pair and tested the pressure on his little finger before discarding them in favour of a second set.
“Are those harder or lighter than the previous ones?” she asked.
Her pussy moistened. She waited with infinite patience for him to return.
“Offer your breasts to me.”
For a moment, she looked at the clamps. A chain ran between them, and they hung from his index finger. Then she met his gaze, as if he’d urged her to look at him.
At work, he insisted on having his way. In this private room with just the two of them, her naked and vulnerable, him bare-chested and in charge, she saw him in a new way. There was a quiet, observant intensity in his blue eyes. He was listening to and respecting her every wish, changing his style to suit her while still asserting his will. That would make him an even better Dom. And she was looking forward to it.