Page 4 of Montana Seduction

Well, no, but that didn’t mean this was a good idea. She couldn’t let a stranger just come in and ride to her rescue. Good heavens, if her father heard of that, she’d definitely be reprimanded.


She turned to the Mia, the hostess Stella had completely forgotten was even in the room. “Yes?”

“We just got three more reservations and that booked us up for the night. That doesn’t include the fantasy rooms and the room service.” Mia chewed on her lip and stared over Stella’s shoulder to the fantasy man. “I mean, you should at least think about his offer, but do it fast because in forty-five minutes, people will start coming in.”

Stella rubbed her head and tried to remind herself that she wanted this job, that she loved Mirage. So far she’d had one headache after another, but for the most part she’d been cleaning up the mess left by the previous manager. Apparently he’d been a jerk to the employees and now Stella was paying the price of the resulting disloyalty. Loyal employees didn’t leave without giving notice.

But she did want to own Mirage. True, she wanted her father to see her as a valuable businesswoman and a capable daughter...they were all the family each other had. But more so, she wanted this place because she’d heard of the woman who built it. A single mother who branched out to create something spectacular all on her own.

How could Stella not admire that and strive to be as strong as the original owner, Lara Anderson? When her father had acquired the resort, Stella had done her research on the place before her father let her in this position. She did that with each of his acquisitions, but this one had always stuck out to her and she’d had her sights set on it for years.

“I can’t believe I’m considering this,” Stella muttered as she spun back around to Dane.

Had he just been checking out her ass?

Well, well, well.

No. That should not excite her. She’d been in a relationship several years ago with a guy whose eyes, and other body parts, wandered a bit too much.

Stella cleared her throat. “I couldn’t pull you away from your significant other.”

“I’m actually here alone,” he countered.


“It’s a long story,” he added with another slight grin—this one looked a little pained. “I’ll tell you about it while we prepare dinner. Deal?”

Stella shouldn’t go along with this. The idea of letting a stranger, a guest, into the kitchen was preposterous, but at this point, she wasn’t sure what other option she had. She needed help and she’d be in there the entire time watching to make sure nothing lawsuit-worthy happened, so what could go wrong?

The worst choice would be to do nothing and stand here and have a mental debate with herself. If her father happened to find out what she’d done, she’d be more than happy to defend herself and be proud that she’d pulled this ill-fated night out of long as this stranger could do all he’d promised.

Stella nodded toward the kitchen. “Follow me, Mr. Michaels.”

“Dane, remember?”

As she led the way through the dining room, she felt very aware of the intriguing stranger following closely at her back. She worked with men every single day. Her father was one of the most powerful men in business and had a slew of minions in suits that worked for and with him. None had her in a fluster like this one.

There was certainly something to be said about a mysterious, attractive man riding to the rescue at the eleventh hour. It was like fate had planted him right in her path.

And the fact he was here alone had her even more intrigued. Stella couldn’t imagine there wasn’t a line of women with lingerie packed and ready for a getaway to a fantasy resort with this guy.

“There should be several starters made up in advance,” Stella began as she pushed on the swinging kitchen door. “Let’s hope that’s the case tonight.”

“Either way, it will all work out,” he told her.

When that velvety voice washed over her, she wanted to believe him, but considering they were coming from two different positions, she wasn’t sure she should be so quick to let her guard down.

“The menu is set up two weeks in advance so we can have enough supplies ordered in—that means we have a direction on where to go.” Stella pointed toward the wooden board hanging outside the walk-in refrigerator. “I know we’ll have everything for tonight’s menu, it’s just putting it all together like it should be that’s the challenge. And well, I’m not known for my kitchen skills.”

Dane stepped around her and placed a hand on her forearm. That warm, rough palm slid over her skin and had her wondering just how those hands would feel over other, more neglected parts of her body.

Now was not the time for her dormant hormones to come rushing back to the surface.

“I promised it would all work out, right?” he asked. Those dark eyes held her in place. “Trust me.”

“That’s a bit difficult since I don’t know you,” she stated as she stared into those midnight eyes framed with heavy black lashes. “But for now, I’m going to have to trust my instincts and roll with this plan.”