She settled in and started working on emails, spreadsheets, decor ideas, and everything that would be involved in throwing a last minute, lavish party. Her work was definitely cut out for her, but she’d never failed Luke before, and she certainly didn’t intend to start now. Their professional relationship was stronger than ever, but she had no clue about their romantic future. She had a sinking feeling someone was going to get hurt...and that someone would likely be her.
* * *
“As you can see here, there would be specialty suites in an entirely different area of our resorts.”
Luke pointed to the mock-up slide he’d put up on the screen in the boardroom. Kelly sat at the opposite end of the table and tried to gauge the faces of everyone in attendance.
Ava seemed completely enthralled at the ideas Luke presented. She’d eased forward in her seat, with her brows raised, and it was clear her nephew had her undivided attention.
Zeke seemed relaxed, as usual, as he sat back in his leather chair. The other board members were all staring up at the screen and, every now and then, Luke would glance her way and the butterflies would start fluttering all over again.
She’d spent the past two nights at his house, but this morning he’d been up and gone before she even woke. Since Saturday night, they had shared a bed, but nothing more than a few sultry kisses had been exchanged. He was all in work-mode and ready to get this morning meeting to the members of the board.
He’d been so restless last night. At one point she’d just rested her hand on his back and he’d calmed down. She knew he was nervous, but she also knew this whole plan was so splendid, there would be no way it would fail.
She didn’t want to bring up the proverbial elephant: their relationship. Once this party was over and they were riding the high of moving forward, she would talk to him. He deserved to know how she felt and give him the chance to tell her how he felt.
They were so connected on the island, and they weren’t necessarily disconnected here, but they also weren’t as open and talkative. Right now it was just all work. She wanted more...she shouldn’t, but she did.
“We can still appeal to the corporate travelers,” Luke went on, pulling her focus back to the meeting. “But that will no longer be our target audience. We will transform seventy percent of all resort rooms to accommodate couples for special, tranquil retreats. And we will offer a diverse range of packages for people on a budget all the way up to people who don’t care how much they have to spend for their significant other.”
Luke pivoted from the screen and tapped on his laptop, then turned back to the new slide.
“This would be the projected budget,” he added. “And if you look on the next slide, you will see the projections of income if we have eighty percent booked by spring.”
Kelly watched him in action, never more proud of the position he was in and the stand he was taking to protect his family, his company and the employees who depended on Wingate.
“This is a risk,” Ava finally said when Luke was finished.
Luke nodded in agreement, his eyes meeting Kelly’s briefly. She gave him a reassuring nod and he focused his attention back to his aunt.
“There’s going to be a risk in any decision we make moving forward,” he agreed. “This is the best-case scenario. Honeymooners, couples celebrating anniversaries, someone trying to get back in a partner’s good graces, or a suitor pulling out all the stops to win someone’s love...these are all everyday people who need a nice, reputable resort. Wingate can and will provide those services and be the greatest name when people go to book their getaways.”
“Reagan’s ready to book the first platinum package,” Zeke chimed in. “I reminded her we already have a private jet at our disposal.”
Ava tapped her short nails on the glossy table and Kelly couldn’t stop staring, waiting for her final reaction. Although she knew the family matriarch wouldn’t have the ultimate say on the matter, especially since the party and roll-out were already in place. This board meeting was more of a formality and a heads-up so everyone would be on the same page and able to answer any questions at the event.
“I trust you on this,” Ava told Luke and Zeke. “I know you boys wouldn’t steer this company in the wrong direction. You clearly believe this is the way to go and I am behind you a hundred percent.”
Luke smiled, and Kelly could see the relief cross his face. He wanted Ava’s approval. They’d been through so much together since his parents’ passing. Not only had they been through heartache personally, they had also endured it professionally.
And with Keith being exposed as the criminal bastard he was, that had been another hard blow to all of them. He’d been a trusted figure in their lives. Now he was behind bars awaiting a trial. Kelly didn’t even know how difficult that day would be when several of them had to testify...namely Ava and Luke.
“We have marketing working on the designs and various information for the guests this weekend,” Luke went on. “Kelly has already contacted their caterer and set up the music. She’s got the decor sorted out, as well.”
“We’ll be working around the Christmas decor the Clubhouse already has in place, but it will have a flare for romantic getaways, as well,” she told everyone.
Luke caught her eye again, and she smiled. Then he went on to discuss the party in more detail and the way the evening would play out and the roles each of them would have.
Kelly continued to add to her notes. Luke had already gone over everything with her before they came in, but as he spoke, more ideas popped into her head and she wanted to type them in before she forgo
t. They needed to send out a company-wide memo in addition to an invitation to the party with a message to bring as many guests as possible. This needed to be a grand event to celebrate Wingate’s big comeback.
As the meeting came to an end and everyone filed out the door, Kelly saw Zeke go to the head of the conference table and mutter something to his brother. Luke glanced up to her and she stilled.
“Could you excuse us?” Luke asked.
Kelly nodded and gathered her laptop and left the room, pulling the door closed behind her. She didn’t know what the brothers needed to discuss, but she had a sinking feeling this wasn’t about work and had everything to do with her.