Page 41 of Tempted by the Boss

Pride swelled within him. Luke hoped like hell this plan worked and would help protect the jobs of their two hundred workers. This next plan wasn’t just about saving his own ass, but looking out for those who would have to seek employment elsewhere if something happened to Wingate.

“It’s not going to solve everything,” Luke replied. “But, it’s a solid start that will have our shareholders and investors believing in us again. This will definitely boost everyone’s moral.”

“I think it sounds wonderful.” Reagan beamed as she patted Zeke’s leg. “You and Kelly have really outdone yourselves with this plan.”

Luke knew his brilliant assistant was the backbone of his operation. He literally couldn’t do his job to the best of his ability with anyone else by his side. Never in his life had he thought he’d find someone so compatible in the boardroom and the bedroom.

So what the hell did that all mean?

“Beyond the amenities—” Luke went on, forcing himself to stay focused on work “—we should add in upgraded packages for when someone really wants to impress or go all out. We can offer up private jet transportation and a car once they reach their destination. Our guests shouldn’t have to worry about one thing once they book with Wingate.”

Reagan’s smile widened. “This will be a total sellout,” she announced.

“I couldn’t do any of this without Kelly.”

Zeke tipped his head and drew his brows in. “Did something happen on this trip?”

“Yeah, we came up with a genius plan.”

“Beyond that,” his brother clarified. “Is there something more going on?”

Luke had no idea how Zeke had honed in on that, other than the fact they were brothers and shared a very close bond.

“Zeke, she’s my assistant.”

His brother continued to study him with that dark gaze that resembled his own.

“Nice dodge of the question,” he said. “Something did happen. I can tell. You know, it’s ok to admit anything. I know you feel the weight of the company on your shoulders, but you’re not alone in this. Kelly is a great woman and she’d be good for you.”

There was absolutely no way in hell Luke would ever admit anything to his brother...not this early in their relationship.

Wait. Relationship?

Yeah, he supposed it could have that label, but just because they were physical and he’d asked her to stay at his house didn’t mean he was ready by any means to settle down.

Luke shrugged. “All that happened was Kelly finally got me to see that I needed to recharge because I was being too hard on myself and that wasn’t doing anyone any good. The getaway really helped me see things so much clearer.”

All of that was the truth, Luke just opted to omit the R-rated version of the trip. Everything going on between Kelly and him had to remain confidential. Letting anyone else inside their personal bubble wasn’t an option...not even his brother.

“I’m not so sure that’s all there is to tell,” Zeke added.

Reagan smacked his leg. “Would you leave the guy alone? He’s come up with a brilliant plan to save Wingate and make the company profitable again. If something is going on in his personal life with his assistant, that’s his business.”

Luke could jump across the coffee table between them and kiss his sister-in-law. She had a way of keeping Ezekiel in line. Zeke never backed down to anyone, but he would do literally anything his wife told him to do and he’d do it with a smile on his face.

Luke wasn’t about to say anything more. He didn’t want to lie to his brother and he sure as hell didn’t want to discuss Kelly.

A part of him was thrilled knowing she’d be back at his home waiting for him. He wondered if she was currently exploring his house, his bedroom. Maybe she’d be waiting in the bed or the hot tub on his balcony off his master suite.

Luke came to his feet, more than ready to get home and start working on this party in a relaxed atmosphere with Kelly.

His brother and Reagan also stood and started toward the foyer.

“I’ll go ahead and send some texts out about the party,” Reagan told him. “I’ll be sure to really talk it up as one not to be missed. Christmas is a magical time and I really think the timing couldn’t be better for you guys to unveil this endeavor.”

“I hope so,” Luke replied. “I’ll have some banners printed up with marketing and copy you on the email with the design.”

“Sounds good,” Zeke said with a nod of approval. “I’ll start getting the word out to the TCC members, as well.”