Page 33 of Tempted by the Boss

Luke smiled. “You’ve gone through so much to get everything organized and planned.”

“Think of it as part of your Christmas present,” she told him. “Though I didn’t actually pay for anything here.”

Now he did laugh. That low, rumbling laugh that she rarely heard since he was so consumed with work. She wanted more of that in her life...she wanted more of that for him.

Ugh. This couldn’t be happening. She could not fall for her boss. There was no room in his life for her and she would not fall down that same loveless hole her mother did.

“I better step up my game for you,” he joked. “I haven’t even started shopping, but I typically get you the same thing each year.”

“I’m not worried about my Christmas present, Luke.”

There was nothing else she wanted from him than what he’d already given her. This whole trip was much more than she’d ever hoped for.

“Why don’t you just promise to take more time for yourself after you get back?” she asked. “That would be a great present, because then this wouldn’t have all been for nothing.”

He eased her back and came to hover over her. The way he always maneuvered her to where he wanted her was just another layer of sexy she hadn’t anticipated.

“You can ask me for anything,” he told her. “Consider it yours.”

Could they try to keep a physical relationship once they returned? Was that even possible? Because at this point, she wasn’t sure she could just turn off that switch and act like nothing had happened between them...

But was continuing their sexual liaison something Luke wanted? Was he even thinking that far ahead? She wanted to give him some time to get used to this. She’d had years to accommodate to her feelings, but everything was still so new to him.

“No Christmas present necessary,” she reiterated. “There’s nothing I need.” But then again...

Kelly eased her knees up beside his hips to allow him to settle in between her legs. Then she laced her fingers behind his neck. “Or maybe we could come up with something you could give me.”

Nodding approvingly, Luke slid his hand up the hem of her cover-up and found her more than ready. She cried out and pushed into his touch.

“I’m sure I can do something for you,” he promised.

Making love by the ocean in the dark of the night was a moment she would never forget. Kelly hoped this was just the beginning of their intimate relationship and that her boss would want to keep things going once they returned home.


“I didn’t take you for someone afraid of heights.”

Luke held onto the edge of the deck and stared across the vast expanse of trees and lines. Nothing like looking like a complete wimp in front of the woman who went to so much trouble to prepare these plans.

“I’m not afraid of heights,” he scoffed, trying not to lose his breakfast. “I’m just...getting acclimated, that’s all.”

“Sir, you do not have to go,” the worker assured him. “We have people all the time that back out. It’s different once you get up here and see.”

“I’m not backing out,” he stated.

Damn it, he wouldn’t. He ran a multi-billion-dollar company and he’d never shied away from a challenge in his life. There was nothing he’d ever turned away from when he wanted it. And he damn well wanted to impress Kelly right now.

“Do you want me to go first?” she asked, placing a gentle hand on his arm.

He glanced to her, finding her absolutely adorable in her protective gear, with worry glimmering in her eyes. She’d do anything for him. She’d proven that over and over again. Now he needed to man up and show her that he wasn’t someone who couldn’t have a good time.

Unfortunately, his idea of a good time was hitting the weight room or going for long-distance runs. Nice things on solid ground. That was more his style.

Flying never bothered him, but this...this was a whole different level of crazy. Now there was just a thin cable holding him up and he wasn’t necessarily a small guy.

“I’ll go first,” he gritted out, ignoring the churning in his gut. “Let’s do it.”

He listened once again as the worker went over the basic rules and what to do at the other end. Finally, he stepped to the edge, pushed aside the fear that nearly took him out at the knees and just stepped off.