Page 30 of Tempted by the Boss

His eyes seemed to grow darker. “Where are they?”

“My room. In the drawer of the nightstand.”

Then he was up and off of her. Kelly glanced out the patio door to the ocean and drank in the backdrop of the orange sunset. This was really going to happen, and she couldn’t wait.

Her focus shifted back to the bedroom door when Luke stepped in fully naked and wearing the protection. The way he crossed the room to climb back up onto the bed had her sitting up on her elbows and pulling her knees up, ready for him to settle back where he’d just been.

“You look so damn sexy,” he said as he loomed above her.

His hand went between her legs and Kelly bit her lip as intense pleasure pulsated within her. Then that touch vanished a second before he gripped the sensitive spot behind her knees and jerked her legs back even farther.

She kept her gaze locked onto his as Luke joined their bodies. There was no way to keep from crying out and arching against the glorious sensation.

With her legs dangling over his arms, Kelly reached out to grip his biceps. The muscles strained beneath her touch as Luke continued to work his hips against hers.

She couldn’t control her moans and sighs, not when this felt so good and even more intense than she’d ever fantasized about.

Luke gripped her backside, lifting her farther into him as he increased the pace. This new position completely undid Kelly as her climax overcame her. She dug her fingers into his arms and called his name, begging him not to stop, begging him for more.

She knew he followed her in his own release with the way he’d stilled and held her so tight, like he never wanted to let her go.

Luke stayed with her until his body stopped trembling and then he slowly released her legs and came down to lie half on her, half on the bed. With one long leg and one strong arm draped across her, she’d never felt more protected or cherished. Yes, this was just sex, but to her this moment was so much more....

Kelly kept her eyes closed as if she could remain in this euphoria forever. Opening her eyes would bring back the reality that they weren’t on this romantic getaway as a real couple. Rather, they were here because she’d tricked h


She wasn’t contrite, though. Luke needed the break and she’d wanted to see if they could be more. She couldn’t be sorry for going after what she wanted.

His warm breath fell on her shoulder, sending even more tingles through her body. The low hum of the large fan suspended from the peaked ceiling relaxed her and settled her nerves. While she’d always wanted this to happen, she was never sure it actually would, and she certainly hadn’t planned for how to react after.

“Should we go eat now?” he murmured against her shoulder.

Kelly was relieved he was the one to break the silence. She trailed her fingers up and down his arm across her chest.

“I’m in no hurry to get out of this bed,” she answered honestly.

Luke came up on his elbow and glanced down at her. Those dark, heavy-lidded eyes had gone all soft and sexy. She wondered what he was thinking, but she wasn’t going to be that woman who wanted to have postcoital chat sessions. She didn’t need reassurance that he enjoyed himself or that he wasn’t having regrets. She knew Luke enough to know that he wasn’t ready to run out the door.

“How about I bring dinner in here?” he suggested.

Having dinner in bed with Luke sounded like a dream, but she couldn’t let herself get too wrapped up in this fantasy world. Because as much as she wanted this to be reality, Kelly also had to use her head here.

“Let’s eat outside,” she told him. “It’s so beautiful here, I want to take advantage of it before we go back to Royal.”

His lips quirked into a grin. “And here I thought you just wanted to take advantage of me.”

Kelly couldn’t help but laugh. “I think it’s you who took advantage of me, remember? You stripped me as soon as we got inside.”

“You seduced me with this trip.”

She reached up and ran her fingertip along his stubbled jawline. “You’ve been seducing me for years,” she murmured.

Luke’s face sobered as he leaned in closer. “How did I miss this?” he whispered against her lips. “How did I not see you?”

He folded her into his embrace, holding her on top of him as he rolled to his back. Kelly straddled his lap and braced her hands on his chest.

“I take it dinner can wait?” she asked with a grin.