“I think we need to focus on investors for our overseas resorts.”
Kelly glanced across the patio table as Luke cut into his baked fish and attempted to discuss business. Seriously? Her body had been about to go up in flames all day and he was trying to talk shop?
“Save it for the boardroom.” She stabbed one of her fresh pieces of pineapple and popped it in her mouth. “No work while we’re on vacation.”
His eyes met hers across the small round table. “That’s the only way of life I know.”
Kelly dropped her fork and curled her hand around her glass of sweet tea. “Luke, you honestly need a hobby or something to take your mind off work.”
“Your kiss took my mind off work,” he tossed back. “That damn strappy suit took my mind off work.”
“Glad I could help,” she joked with a smile. “Let me know anytime you want to be distracted again.”
Luke sighed and eased back in his seat. He still hadn’t put a shirt on, but she’d thrown on her wrap cover-up. Still, sitting here having a meal while barely dressed was a level of intimacy she’d never shared with him before.
“You think this is a good idea?” he asked gruffly.
“Whether it’s a good idea or not is irrelevant,” she countered. “That doesn’t change the sexual tension between us.”
“There shouldn’t be any,” he snarled.
Kelly couldn’t tell if he was angry with himself for being turned on or if he was upset that he hadn’t noticed before.
“I know you’ve had me in this nice little assistant box for a long time, but it’s okay to move those boxes around.”
He continued to stare at her, those dark, penetrating eyes seeming to go almost black. Oh, he was aroused and not happy about it. That delighted her more than she thought possible because that smoldering passion was no doubt going to explode, and she planned on being right here to enjoy it.
“I don’t like change,” he told her. “I don’t have time for it. I have a company to save and a family that is counting on me.”
Kelly laughed. “No wonder you’re cranky. You don’t make time for fun because it’s not work.”
“I have fun,” he defended.
“Doing what?”
He shrugged. “I do things.”
Kelly crossed her arms and pursed her lips. “Buying new cars or upgrading your jet doesn’t count.”
“Funny,” he mocked. “For your information, I enjoy working out and running marathons.”
That was news to her. Well, not the working out part. A man didn’t get a sculpted body like that without putting in the time and effort. But she truly had no idea about the marathons.
“I’ve worked for you for five years and I’m just now learning about these marathons?”
Luke shrugged. “Should I come to work and display my medals in my office?”
No, he would never do something like that. When Luke Holloway was at work, his mind was solely on the job. But he’d never been one to brag which made him all the more attractive.
“So how many marathons have you done?” she asked.
“A few.”
Kelly snorted. “Oh, please. What’s the number? You have your spreadsheets memorized, so you know how many marathons you’ve run.”
Her eyes went wide at that number. She was expecting him to say like five or even ten. But forty-seven? Good heavens.