Skyler nodded. “I’m on it.”

Ignoring everyone else in the room, he addressed Hope. “That won’t be necessary.”

Hope frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“There’s a woman I’m interested in pursuing.”

Since this morning? Since he’d been with her? At a loss, she dug her fingers into her palms. “In that case, I’m not sure why we went ahead with this mixer.”

“You and your team went to a lot of work, and I didn’t want to cancel at the last moment.”

“You wasted everyone’s time.”

“I don’t agree. Destiny’s designs are intriguing. No doubt I’ll be contracting her for some work. I have a couple of friends who may want a meeting with Norah. Hannah, I’m sure, is a great legal mind who might make a good addition to the DA’s office if she’d like to change sides. Public service and a judgeship could be in her future. And I secured tickets to the symphony. Meeting new people is always interesting. Skyler is a fabulous organizer. Our new executives are always looking for top-notch assistants.”

“You can’t have her.”

Skyler stood a little taller.

“At any rate, your matchmaking services are no longer required. We will consider your agreement with my mother to be terminated as of this moment.”

Even though this was what she wanted, she was gutted he’d seen another woman after everything they’d shared. “In that case, congratulations.” She forced a smile. “I wish you much happiness.”

Skyler’s lips were set in a grim line. She didn’t appear to be any happier than Hope was.

“Do let us know if you need anything further.” The last word emerged as a croak, so Hope cleared her throat.

Along with Skyler and Tony, Hope turned to leave, but Rafe placed a hand on her forearm. “A moment of your time, Ms. Malloy?”

“Is it necessary? We can’t handle it over the phone?” When he remained silent, she relented. “Go ahead,” she said to her employees. “I’ll call for a ride when I’m done here.”

“You’re sure?” Tony asked.

“Go ahead. I won’t be far behind you.”

“I’ll let Barbara know we’re done,” Skyler said.

Both of them nodded their goodbyes before heading toward the door. Gripping the handle, Tony hesitated and turned back. “I can wait for you near the elevator.”

“She’s safe with me,” Rafe vowed, releasing his grip, leaving her arm heated. “I promise.”

Turning back to face them, Skyler swallowed hard, as if struggling for courage before saying, “I saw the way you behaved on the street this morning.”

Hope wished a hole would open in the floor.

“Did you, indeed?” His voice was bland, unreadable.

“I’ll send you both a text,” Hope reassured her employees. She’d known they were protective of her, but until this evening, she’d had no idea just how serious they were.

After Skyler and Tony left, the atmosphere sizzled. Rafe’s eyes flared with predatory intent. The music that had provided a soothing backdrop now became intimate. Even though he’d given his word that she was safe, all her feminine instincts urged her to flee. This man was as dangerous as he was powerful. Hope wrapped her arms around herself. “You wanted to talk?”

“Let’s cut through the bullshit. I want you, Hope.”

Her heart plummeted. His words rendered her speechless.

“This afternoon’s charade?” He waved a hand, and the emeralds in his ring winked in the overhead light. “It was for your benefit. To prove a point. You have no more interest in me marrying those women than I do. You hated watching me with them.”

His voice was rich, the timbre resonant, shooting shivers through her. “Mr. Sterling—”

“Rafe,” he corrected. “I fucking like the way you say my name. As I’ve said before, Rafe or Sir is fine, as long as you know who you belong to.”

No. She shook her head and the room spun. It had to be from the champagne and not her reaction to him.

“This…” She couldn’t form a coherent sentence. “I can’t. We can’t.”