Theodore shrugged. “I’m sure she will. Make it easier for me to marry Lillibet, at any rate.”

“You’ll lose half of your money, assets, homes.” Years down the line, Lillibet might get the rest.

“Rebecca is a fine woman. Good, solid stock. Devoted to you kids and growing my career. She deserved better than I gave her.”

Rafe tried one last time. “Mom is willing to pretend none of this happened.”

“Why the hell would I want that?”

The edges of Rafe’s temper frayed. “Your actions are destroying our family.”

“An unfortunate byproduct of my happiness.”

Selfish fucking bastard. “You would only have to work part-time. We could sort out something. I’ll take over more responsibility. You can take long vacations as we plan your exit strategy. Maybe over the next year, two at the most.” Give Rafe time to convince Hope to marry him.

“I’ll be in… Where was it Lillibet wants to go? Monaco?”


“Oh, yes. Casablanca. I think I told you I’ve hired a captain. He starts next week. I’ll be able to start taking this baby out of her slip.”

Jesus. Rafe exhaled. Fuck.

“Look, son. No. I’m giving you a gift. From my insight.” He tapped his temple, as if showing off his brain’s prowess. “Getting up, going to work—there’s more to life.” His eyes, so much like Rafe’s own, were clearer than Rafe had ever seen them. Rebecca’s suppositions weren’t correct. Theodore Sterling was in control of his faculties. “Take my advice, son. Get out while you can. Talk to the lawyers. It’s not worth it. None of it. Do what you want with your life. Have you ever thought about what that might be?”

“I have.” More than ever, Rafe knew. Sterling Worldwide was his. His responsibility. His fucking good fortune.

“I’m glad we’ve had this chat.” Theodore released his hand, a physical representation of his emotional resolve. “I’m living my life. Not the one everyone else wanted. I sacrificed thirty fucking years,” he reiterated. “That’s more than a life sentence.”

“I need six months,” Rafe pressed. “It’s not that long. Give us some time to set up a transition. Avoid a crisis.”

“I’ll be in Morocco by then. Just like Bogey and Bacall.”

Was Theodore even listening? “It was Humphry Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.”

“You’re sure? It wasn’t Lauren Bacall? The two were legend together.”

“Bergman. I warned you it has an unhappy ending. They don’t end up together.”

“Teddy Bear!” Lillibet leaned over the rail, her nipples all but peeking out from the hot-pink bikini top. She waved her empty champagne glass and her diamond blinked in the sun.

“Coming, darling!”

“This is the life you want?”

“My plumbing is working again for the first time in years.”

“Dad.” Rafe shoved his sunglasses back into place. This trip had been as useless as it was frustrating. “There are certain things you’ll need to handle before you leave.”

“If I’m available. Don’t have much time for business.”

“At least answer your phone when I call.”

“It’s rarely convenient.”

“Bye-bye, Rafe.” Lillibet gave her annoying wave once again.

“I’ll show myself out.”

“You don’t mind?” his dad threw over his shoulder as he headed for the stairs.

For a moment, Rafe studied Lillibet. His father had met her at his club. She’d been the front desk hostess, in charge of greeting members, taking them to tables in the dining room, ringing their massage therapist, or wishing them a good workout. Beyond that, Rafe knew nothing about her.

With a squeal, dripping wet from the hot tub, she ran to greet Theodore.

Rafe left the Lunar Sea without looking back. That was what he needed to do. Move forward. Focus on the future. His father’s choices showed Rafe how selfish he’d been in some of his. His refusal to get over Emma and find a suitable woman to marry was now causing succession problems in the business and adding undue stress to his mother and sister’s lives. Funny how easy it was to see his father’s flaw and how difficult to recognize the one inside himself.