“Where’s her food?”

When he made his mind up about something, he followed through.


“On the bottom shelf of the pantry.”

Instead of waiting for her, he led the way into the kitchen.

She followed but stayed in the doorway where she could keep an eye on the cat. The moment he opened a can, the Colonel lifted her head. Rafe pulled off the lid, and the Colonel meowed.

“So far so good?” He made himself comfortable, opening a drawer to find a spoon. “Does she get the whole thing?”


“No dry food?”

“I told you she was bossy. I tried her on dry a few times. She goes on a hunger strike.”

He grinned. “I like a female who knows what she likes.” He crossed to the cat dish, picked it up, carried it to the sink, then washed and dried it.

“Now she’s going to expect that too.”

“Samantha!” He scooped the food into the glass bowl. “Breakfast!”

The Colonel leaped from her perch and skulked into the kitchen.

He carried the dish to the placemat with a happy face on it. The Colonel flicked her big, bushy tail, then sat and waited until he moved back to the other side of the kitchen. “Not ready to be friends? I’m a patient man.”

Without being asked, he replenished the Colonel’s water.

Impressed, Hope said, “I’ll let you know when I need a babysitter for her.”

“Bring her over anytime.”

She pushed away from the wall. “Bring her over? To your place? Where she’ll tear up your very expensive furniture and dance across your piano keys?” She shuddered. “Knock over all your designer-exclusive pieces?”

“It will keep her entertained. Right, Samantha?” He bent to scratch behind the feline’s ear. He received a fast, unpleasant swat for his efforts.

“I’m not sure if you’re patient or persistent.”

“Different sides of the same coin.”

“Did she break the skin?”

“No.” He didn’t bother checking. “Any other chores before we leave for work?”

“My office is out of your way.”

“You’ve got two choices, Hope. You can leave here over my shoulder or on your own two feet.”

She gaped at him. “What?” From the firm set of his jaw, she didn’t dare ask whether or not he was serious. “I’ll walk.”

To his credit, he didn’t gloat. “Is there a procedure so the Colonel doesn’t escape?”

“No. I dash out right after I feed her, while she’s occupied.” Hope appreciated that he’d thought of the cat. “At other times, I have to get her a catnip treat or there will be a wrestling act at the door.”

“She does have you trained.”

“I know who is in charge.”

“That will come in handy. Shall we?” He opened the door and waited while she locked it.

At the end of the hallway, he rang for the elevator, then placed his hand in the small of her back with a possession that she liked and was disturbingly comfortable.

Traffic had thickened, and his phone rang several times, keeping their conversation brief. She was grateful for the reprieve and emotional distance. She needed it before walking into the office to make more calls to find him a wife.

At the curb in front of her building, he stopped in a no-parking zone.

“Thank you for the ride.” She reached for the handle.



“Not necessary. I know. Save yourself the argument.” He checked the mirrors, then exited the car to round the hood before opening her door and offering her a gallant hand out.

“Do you always get your way, Mr. Sterling?”

“I do my best. Sometimes I come up short. Not often.” He shrugged. “Not when it matters.”

Before she had a chance to answer, he dug a hand into her hair, sending her clip skittering across the sidewalk. “Much better,” he said, eyes gleaming with sexual intent.

She wrapped her hand around his wrist. They couldn’t. Not here on the street where anyone could see them. Yet she didn’t use the word that would stop him.

Appearing unconcerned by the commuters heading into work, he placed his free hand on her rear. As if he knew precisely where he’d spanked her, he squeezed her right buttock, sending a fresh flare of recognition through her. He backed off right away, moving his palm to the place between her shoulder blades. She was helpless to look away from his face, unable to find her voice, trapped by his grip.