“We may be here all night if I wait for you.” He blazed her cunt with his hand, and she screamed, opening her eyes to glare at him.


“Rub it.”

He stunned her by bending to lick her cunt, sucking on her clit, then pinching it until it was hard.

She screamed again, on the verge of an orgasm.

“You could come right now, couldn’t you?”

Hope squirmed. “Yes.” She could, and it loomed so close it hurt.

“Not yet.”

Why the hell had she told him her deepest secret? It was sexy but frustrating beyond words.

“Put both of your hands on your legs and count backward from ninety-nine to one.”

It didn’t help.

“Out loud.”

Her voice and uneven breaths filled the room. When she reached fifty-seven, the air conditioner clicked on and her overheated skin began to cool, but the need to climax hadn’t diminished.

Unconsciously she squeezed her legs together, hoping to ease the discomfort.

“Legs apart.”

Did he see everything? She gritted her teeth as she spread her thighs.

“Your cunt isn’t even swollen. I must not have hit you very hard.”

“It didn’t feel that way to me.”

“You were at forty-six, and I didn’t give you permission to stop counting.”

“Yes, Rafe.”

“I may make a recording of you saying that. It’s intoxicating.”


His soft laugh wrapped her in intimacy.

When she reached ten, he used two fingers to spread her labia. She arched her back, aroused all over again.

“Clamps would work, but since I don’t have any, we’ll do this for now.”

“This is fine.”

“I’m sorry?”

His voice was a whiplash.

“This is fine, Rafe.”

“I guessed that would be your response.”

His approval sent shivers through her. The power of his tone shocked her, and her continued craving for his approval made her reel.

“Now, sweet Hope, spank your pussy six times without stopping. Make them real, make them count, or we will begin again.” He spread his fingers wider, making her whimper. “If you choose not to, I will take over. I can make you a promise that you won’t like it if I do.”

She believed him.

Summoning courage, her insides in turmoil, she delivered six stinging slaps to her pussy. Then she dropped her hand to her side as tears burned her eyes.

He remained in place, keeping her pussy on display, and air caressed her damp skin. The pain receded right away, but her clit pulsed with demand.

“How close are you to orgasm?”

“Very,” she confessed. The mention of it made her tummy tighten.

He stroked between her legs, making her tremble. Then he delved inside her pussy. She thrashed, wanting to escape, wanting more.

“Rafe…” She lifted her head from the soft pillow he’d created. “Sir!”

He pulled away.

She collapsed again and would have rolled onto her side to escape if he hadn’t placed a hand on her chest to trap her in place.

“Is this sadism?” he asked, voice soft and inviting. “I’m causing you distress and it’s arousing me. Deliberate infliction of pain, and it’s the best drug on the planet.”

She finally understood the complexity of his question. Her pussy had blazed when he spanked her, but he had left behind a cascade of demand.

“I want you to place your heels flat on the table so that you can lift your pelvis up.”

“We’re not finished?”

“On the contrary, Hope. We’ve barely started.”

He’d already shattered her boundaries.

Her whole body shuddered as she lifted her buttocks and braced herself. With a firm grip, he took hold of each ankle and repositioned her feet so that they were uncomfortably far apart. Humiliation lanced her as she was exposed, her pussy all but in his face.

“Your skin is red. My favorite color. I love how swollen your flesh is. Please play with your nipples.”

She shook her head to clear it.

“I won’t ask twice.”

That terrible tone was back, reverberating with thunder.

The wood beneath her was uncomfortable, but playing with herself while he watched was even worse.

Legs wide in a commanding stance, he stood off to the side of her, removing his cufflinks and turning back his shirtsleeves. She’d never considered a man’s forearms to be sexy before, but his were.