“He’s into…” Skyler’s coffee spilled over the side of her cup.

Praying her voice didn’t waver, betraying her conflicted emotions, Hope continued. “He expects his wife to drape herself across his lap to have her ass spanked when she makes mistakes.”

“That’s hot. I’d fuck up all the time.”

Hope raised her eyebrows.

“What? You wouldn’t want Hottie McHottie to light up your butt?”

“No!” Hope guzzled the burning-hot latte to cover the fact that she was flustered at wanting just that. Then she leveled her gaze at her assistant. “You would?”

Skyler squirmed. “Oh, yes.”

“And greeting him on your knees at the end of the day?”

“Yum. Bonus points if I get to be naked.”

Hope’s hand shook. “Are you serious?”

“Why not?” Skyler placed the lid on her cup. “Variety being the spice of life, right?”

Skyler’s reaction was reassuring.

“Do you want me to ask the candidates if they’re willing to be tied up and spanked by their future husband, or are you planning to call them?”

“Jesus.” Hope shook away her thoughts and forced herself to focus on the problem at hand. Should she come right out and ask the women if they were amenable to a BDSM relationship? Or should she paint a vague picture? After all, she would have said no way until his compelling voice had wrapped around her and his touch had all but incinerated her.

Too bad she didn’t have more time to craft a strategy. “He has a—I’m not sure what you’d call it—some sort of form for the potential women to fill in.”

“Limits list.”


“It’s a great way to talk about where each person is. The submissive can redline certain things—like humiliation, or an implement such as a paddle or a cane.”

Hope shivered. “And you know about this, how?”

“Sorry to interrupt.”

Tony Kingston, her new associate—and Prestige’s lone male employee—stood in the doorway.

“Looks serious,” he said. “Is this private?”

Most mornings, they all gathered in Hope’s office or the conference room for an impromptu meeting to catch up and set the day’s agenda. “Come in,” Hope replied.

“You look as gorgeous as ever,” Skyler said. “The purple tie is fabulous. Brave. Confident. Inviting without being too decadent.”

“Uhm…thank you?”

“It was a compliment,” Skyler assured him.

Tony did some modeling on the side. He stood a couple of inches over six feet tall, had well-defined biceps that came from lifting weights, and he offset his weakness for M&M’s with grueling runs each night after work. His inherent fashion sense ensured he complemented his golden-brown good looks with the perfect attire.

When he’d first applied for a job, Hope had shied away from the idea of hiring a man, but Celeste had convinced her it was a good idea. Hope’s mentor had been correct. With his wardrobe full of gray suits and bold-hued ties, he exuded class in an old-world way. His soothing tone invited intimacy, and his eyes promised trust. His quiet confidence appealed to men and women both. Since he’d come on board, Prestige had begun accepting female clients.

“All this coffee and sugar. Carbs. What’s up?” He pulled back a chair, then sat in it with legs outstretched.

“We’re just talking about the Sterling Worldwide heir and his kinky demands.”

“God, Skyler!” Hope waved her hand. “Show some restraint.”

“Sounds like my kind of conversation.” Tony grinned.

“Not you too.” The discussion spiked Hope’s blood pressure

“Catch me up.”

“He has a limits list,” Skyler said.

Tony pressed his palms together. “He’s twenty-four seven?”

Both of her employees looked at her, and Hope shifted. “Yes. Collars and…” She broke off another piece of doughnut to cover her discomfort. “He wants his wife to call him Sir.”

“We’re trying to figure out the best way to talk to the candidates,” Skyler finished.