When the kiss had ended, she’d been confused. Reality had crashed in on her. When had she become so wanton? Not knowing what else to do, she’d gathered her professional aura around her. The way he grabbed her elbow meant he sensed her withdrawal and had disliked it as much as she had.

She could have pulled away at any time. Why hadn’t she?

The bell dinged, jarring her, and she pushed away from the wall. Her bag clutched in her hands, she rode the elevator to the lobby.

People strode past, some talking on phones, others staring at the screens, with most of them wearing earbuds, lost in a world of music, books, or podcasts. All were going through their day while her insides were in turmoil.

On the sidewalk outside, she paused.

Though it was ridiculous, she glanced up at the fifteenth floor and swept her gaze across the windows. Most were still dark. But at the end of the row, a man stood in one, unmoving, framed in glass and steel and power.

It couldn’t be Rafe. He was far too busy running his conglomerate to look for her on the street.

No matter what her mind insisted, her heart had no doubt it was him. She’d had a connection with him that transcended common sense.

She shook her head and hurried to the parking lot where she’d left her car.

When she was inside with the doors locked, she exhaled. Her heart thundered as if she’d run down the pavement. And her skin was both hot and chilled. She allowed herself another thirty seconds to pull herself together before slipping her car into drive and navigating Houston’s ever-thickening rush-hour traffic toward her own downtown suite of small offices.

In her purse, her phone vibrated half a moment before her upbeat marimba ringtone bounced through the passenger compartment, too loud and chipper for her current mood.

She glanced at the screen on her dash. Celeste Fallon. Curious, Hope connected the call. Her internship at Fallon and Associates during college garnered her a mentor and invaluable experience. The long, dedicated hours were rewarded with an invitation into Celeste’s inner circle.

As usual, Celeste skipped a greeting. “He didn’t like any of the women.”

“No.” Even though Hope had spent hours with his mother and sister, searching through pictures and reading biographies of more than a hundred women, Rafe hadn’t given any of them more than a cursory glance. “Is that a good guess? Wait—did you already talk to him?”

“I know Rafe.”

“You could have saved me some time.”

“Why on earth would I do that?”

Hope scowled. “You could have guided me in the right direction.”

“Meaning what?”

Did Celeste know that he was into BDSM? “He has…” Hope stumbled around. How did she repeat what he’d said without revealing his secrets? “He’s seeking a specific set of attributes in a wife.”

“If you decide to look for a career in PR, see me first.” Celeste’s voice was droll. “You can’t terminate your contract with him.”

Hope’s scowl deepened. As long as she refunded Rebecca’s money, Prestige was under no obligation to the Sterlings.

“I know he’s challenging—”

“That’s not the word I’d choose.”

“This is delicate, Hope.” Celeste was direct to the point of bluntness, so her sudden vagueness was surprising.

“His tastes are unusual,” Hope said.

“It’s more than that. Finding Rafe a wife will open avenues that you can’t imagine.”

Instead of cruising through a yellow light, Hope stopped so she could concentrate on what Celeste was saying.

“There are others…”

Like Rafe? “Listen, Celeste…” She’d accepted Rafe’s challenge. Pride alone wouldn’t allow her to walk away. “I will find him a suitable wife.”

“I knew I could count on you.”

The car behind her blasted its horn. Without her noticing, the light had turned green. Before she could respond to Celeste, the call ended.

A few minutes later, Hope pulled into her spot in the parking garage. Although it was April, the humidity was oppressive, the sky a milky, churning gray. She slipped out of her blazer as she took the stairs to the third floor.