It wasn’t just Rafe who’d caused the difficult night. Her subconscious had needed time to process everything that had happened. Maybe if it had evolved over a week or month, it would be easier to sort through.

Since caffeine was an essential food group this morning, she grabbed her phone, then headed for the kitchen. While the coffeemaker hissed and sputtered, she texted Skyler.

I overslept. Sorry. I’ll bring lattes as my penalty.

The reply she should have expected came less than thirty seconds later.

And doughnuts.

Before she could type her own answer, Skyler sent a second message.

Make mine chocolate.

Hope hadn’t even managed “will do” before her phone pinged again.

With sprinkles.

Actually, make it two.

Don’t forget Tony. He says he doesn’t eat doughnuts, but he’s a big, fat liar. He’s always stealing mine. I want my own, Hope.

Hope grinned, the vestiges of the restless night losing their grip.

Since Skyler was on top of things, Hope took her time, sipping her first cup and deciding on a bath rather than a shower.

As steam wafted around her, she sank down and rested her head against the inflatable pillow. She thought about everything she’d experienced since meeting Rafe, the ways he’d challenged her and expanded her world, introducing her to unimagined carnal pleasures. As she remembered the thorn at dinner and her reaction to it, arousal unfurled. Hope shook her head to force away the dangerous, erotic thoughts. She needed to be pragmatic while she had some time to think.

Memories, desires, fears all bubbled to the surface. The part of herself that she’d always listened to urged caution. But the part that had been awakened was curious about everything he offered. Any normal human being would be interested in learning about the secret society he belonged to, and of course she was intrigued by the idea of seeing the Parthenon.

She relaxed once again, and she was able to admit the truth to herself. Even as nervous as she was, she wanted to visit the restaurant he had mentioned. Until he’d mentioned taking her there, she hadn’t believed places like that existed.

In a way, she’d had a somewhat sheltered upbringing. Her mom had rarely taken time off work, and when she had, they’d driven to Galveston to spend a couple of days at the beach. It hadn’t been until after college that Hope had gone on a cruise. Her work in Texas kept her busy, and though it was close, she hadn’t visited New Orleans recently. How could she say no?

It would be simpler if she wanted to say no.

Her mind more than half made up, she climbed out of the tub. She had a towel wrapped around herself when the Colonel strolled in and bellowed as if the hounds of hell had been unleashed. “Breakfast. Right. I’m on it.”

The Colonel sat in the doorway, staring and continuing to meow.

“I love you too, you dictatorial fur ball.”

The cat stood, turned around, flicked her tail, then headed for the kitchen. Hope followed. Too bad she hadn’t thought to fill the food dish while she made coffee.

After taking care of the cat, Hope poured herself another cup of coffee.

A few minutes later the phone rang. Rafe? In expectation, her pulse slammed. When Celeste’s name appeared on the caller identification screen, a confusing mix of relief and disappointment slowed her heart rate. After a third ring, emotions under control, she answered. “Morning, Celeste.”

“I’d ask how you are, but I’m too nosy to waste time being polite.”

Celeste’s disarming honesty made Hope grin.

“How did Rafe’s mixer go?” Celeste asked.

“Should I drag this out a bit longer?”

“Good God, no. Get to the point.”

“He refused them all and proposed to me.”

“Ah.” Her mentor sighed, triumphant. “As I suspected.”

“What?” Hope put her cup down so she didn’t spill. “What are you saying?”

“I knew you were the one for him. That’s why I recommended you to Rebecca.”

“You thought…”

“Rafe needs a woman who’s bright and articulate—well, most of the time, anyway.” Her voice was dry. “Only you can make the decisions that are right for you. But I can vouch for Rafe. If he asked you to marry him, he meant it. He wouldn’t have done so without thinking it through or believing you two could have a successful relationship.”