In his arms, Hope dozed, and when she woke enough to shimmy her sweet ass against his cock, she got his interest.

Following his orders, she grabbed a condom and rolled it onto his hard cock. Then she rode him. Rafe grabbed her ass, digging his hands into the places where he’d spanked her. Her breathless whimpers were all he could hope for.

They found a rhythm, and her lips parted a little as her eyelids slid closed.

“I want to watch your reactions.”

Obediently, she kept her gaze on him. The golden color of her irises darkened, and she struggled with his order as her pussy constricted on his cock. “Come for me, Hope.”

She lifted her hips, meeting each of his thrusts, moving with him in a timeless, primal beat.

This time, her orgasm came in a series of tiny gasps that fed his response. With her, sex was more than a driving hunger. It was a fevered connection.

When he was certain she was satiated, Rafe took his pleasure. When they were both dizzy, breathless, he rolled to his side. Savoring the moment, he tucked her next to him.

She sighed and blinked, fighting off sleep.

He left her long enough to dampen a washcloth with warm water. When he returned, she mumbled a protest about being disturbed. “Shh,” he soothed as he bathed her.

“That feels good.”

He kissed her forehead, cherishing her. She smiled, and he tucked the blankets around her. Once she was asleep, he took a quick shower, thinking of her, realizing how different his interaction was with her than with submissives at his clubs. He always took care of the women he scened with, but she meant more to him than any other woman had.

Naked, warm from the shower, he climbed into bed with her. He smoothed her hair and snuggled her close. How was she going to react when she realized he didn’t intend to let her go?


Hope froze as awareness and horror crept over her. It wasn’t dawn, and she was naked in Rafe Sterling’s bed. Thank God he wasn’t in the room with her.

She let out a long sigh. What in the name of everything sacred had she been thinking? The man and his sexiness had made her forget she had a brain. She was stupid, crazy attracted to him. He was right about the pheromones, but she couldn’t allow it to happen again.

She jumped from the bed and hurried to the bathroom. Every muscle burned, and her pussy ached. She had to be a mess.

She stood near a mirror and contorted herself so she could look at her ass in the mirror. There wasn’t a mark on her body. How was that even possible? There was no doubt she’d been used last night, spanked, tied up, fucked hard. He’d made her beg to come, ask for punishment. What was worse was that she’d wanted to.

They’d had sex, several times. Once in the middle of the night, even. She’d half woken, shivering from the air-conditioning. Seeking warmth, she’d scooted across the bed toward him. He’d captured her, and his dick had been hard.

Although she wasn’t sure how he’d managed it while still mostly asleep, he’d grabbed a condom, put it on, then taken her from behind, holding her waist tight while he slid in and out of her. After she’d had a delicious orgasm, she’d drifted off, satiated.

She pulled her hair on top of her head before remembering that her clip had hit the floor in his bedroom.

Time to get out of there. She’d been hired to find him a wife. The sooner she did that, the better for her emotional state—before she fell for him.

The scent of coffee wafted through the air, encouraging her to get the day started and face Rafe with her decision to end this now.

Unable to brazen her way through the morning after, she hurried into his closet to find a robe. The arms were far too long, and she had to roll up the sleeves so they didn’t cover her hands. She wrapped the belt around her waist twice before tying a knot so secure it was at least as good as the ones he’d used on her.

Their scene replaying in her mind, she hurried to the bedroom to drop to her hands and knees to search beneath the bed for her hair clip.

“I see you’re up.”

She bumped her head on the bedrail before looking over her shoulder to see him standing in the doorway, two cups of coffee in hand.

Damn him.

Dressed in tailored slacks, polished shoes, and a crisp shirt, he took her breath. Even though he had no tie on, his cufflinks were in place. He might have been casual, but his look still spoke of power.