Since Rafe was still talking, Hope covered the phone with her hand and called out, “Hello?” When there was no answer, her concern grew, and she left her office.

Hope froze when she entered the reception area. Larger than life, intoxicating as well as overpowering, he stood near Skyler’s desk.

Her momentary concern blossomed into relief, only to be replaced with a shocking surge of pleasure that mixed with a breathtaking sense of dread.

It might have been the end of the day, but his suit was impeccable. His silver tie was knotted high and tight, and his shirt was crisp and starched. He had the barest hint of an afternoon shadow, and he smelled of spice.

She had a feminine instinct to yield to him, but professionalism said she dared not. “Mr. Sterling.” She ended the call, then held the phone in front of her to ward him off.

“I prefer not to answer questions about sadism in general terms.” He didn’t smile to dull the impact of his words. In fact, he sounded as if he were in a tough business negotiation rather than talking about sex. “I’d much rather discuss specific situations and ask my own questions in return. There might be some common ground, or something a sub might be willing to try.”

She tightened her grip until she could no longer feel her fingers. “I’ll convey what you’ve said to see if the potential match might want to have further conversation with you.”

“And what about you, Hope?” He dropped his cell into an inner pocket of his suit coat. “You’re not curious at all?”

“This isn’t about me.”

“You received my questionnaire.” It was a statement, not a question. He’d sent the email with a read-receipt request, so he knew the exact moment she’d opened it.

“I did.”

“Did you learn anything about yourself?”

“Nothing that pertains to you,” she lied. She had a number of questions, but for her sanity, she needed to keep him at an emotional distance. Returning to business where she understood the landscape better, she said, “As I mentioned in your office, we can set up private meetings with the candidates for you if there is mutual interest.”

“Nothing at all?” His smile was lethal. “What sort of things were you curious about? What scared you?”

Hope kept her gaze riveted on his tie. “This is not an appropriate conversation.” Even so, she couldn’t find the words to ask him to leave. If she were honest with herself, she’d admit she didn’t want to him to go. In desperation, she said, “You’re a client.” Was she trying to convince herself or him?

“Are you familiar with a safe word?”

She forced herself to look up at his face. Then she wished she hadn’t. His eyes were probing, giving her no place to hide.

“A safe word, Ms. Malloy?”

She exhaled. “I have done some reading. It stops a…well, whatever is going on.”

As if he’d read her mind, he hooked a finger through the knot in his tie.

Her toes curled.

“What’s your safe word?”

“You’re my client,” she repeated, voice catching.

“I’m not,” he corrected. “My mother hired you.”

Hope wanted to argue the technicality, but unaccountably, she didn’t. She was a drowning woman ignoring a lifeline.

“Come here, Ms. Malloy.”

She wasn’t going to. Yet, just like the time she’d asked for his kiss, her treacherous body betrayed her, and she took a step closer, then a second.

“What would you like me to do with this tie?”

“Keep it around your neck.”

“Is that the truth?” he pressed. His gaze enslaved hers. “Or should I punish you for not being truthful?”

She shivered, wanting that. “Mr. Sterling…”

“You’re as safe as you want to be.”

That was the problem. She wanted to be wild and abandoned. “We… I… Can’t.” She shook her head. It would be ridiculous to proceed. She tried again, with more force, “We can’t.” It would be worse than ridiculous. Rafe Sterling was starting to mean something to her. He filled her every waking moment, and not just because the Sterling account was the most challenging one she’d ever worked on. It was his damnable words about his proclivities.