“Is he a sadist?” Hannah demanded, distaste in her voice.

Oh, God. Is he?

Before they were able to call Rafe’s potential mates the previous morning, he’d sent over his limits list. Most things Hope had some knowledge of, but there were a few things that had perplexed Skyler. Tony, however, had walked into the office, taken a seat, and proceeded to enlighten them. One shocked Hope. Another mortified her.

In the privacy of her home, she spent hours rereading each page he’d sent over, and each question had caused a reaction. Instead of simple yeses or nos, she’d imagined herself in the scenarios, secured to the bedposts, having orgasm after orgasm forced from her, having ice water drizzled on her stomach.

She’d been unable to sleep. When she was still restless at midnight, she’d gone for a run on the treadmill, hoping to unwind. It hadn’t help much, and when she did drift off, she did so thinking of his damnable, demanding kiss.


Hannah’s sharp tone penetrated the fog clouding Hope’s brain. “I’m here. Sorry.” Hope blinked to refocus on her phone call. “I’m not sure about that.” Did the fact that he wanted to spank his wife for any misbehavior make him a sadist? Or was it just part of the relationship? “Because these questions are subjective”—at least they seemed to be to her—“I think it’s best if you ask him your specific questions when you meet him. We are hosting a mixer tomorrow evening.”

“Look, Hope. I’m not that desperate for a man. There’s no way I would ever marry a sadist.”

Even if he’s a gazillionaire?

“Can you find out for me? I don’t want to waste my time.”

“I understand. Let me get back to you with an answer.” If she’d had any idea of the difficulties she would run into with Rafe as a client, Hope would have doubled her fee.

After ending the call, she left her office and strode into the main reception area. Since Skyler was on the phone, Hope went into the tiny kitchen. To her, as long as it held her favorite creamer, a couple of bottles of wine, and a stash of chocolate, it was the exact right size.

Since she’d eaten all the candy she bought for her personal use, she opened a bag of Tony’s M&M’s and helped herself.

She’d just finished savoring a yellow one when Skyler joined her. “That bad?”

“Hannah Morrison wants to know if our bachelor is a sadist.”

Skyler dipped her hand into the treats too.

“Any luck with your calls?” Hope needed some good news.

“I talked to Adele. She said if I ever ask her something like that again, she’ll end her association with us and blast us on social media.”

The nondisclosure should prevent that, but she could always post an anonymous review and deny she’d done it. Hope exhaled. “If we survive this, every other client will be easy.”

“Norah Minturn expressed interest in him…after asking about his net worth first.”

Hope scooped up another half dozen candies. There was a reason Norah was one of the city’s top financial managers.

“Ladies, ladies!” Tony edged his way between them and snatched away the bag. “A little respect, please. These are to be savored. One at a time. One at a time.”

“We’re going to need that back,” Skyler said.

“Nothing’s that bad,” he insisted. “Unless the world is ending, this is my private stash, and grabby hands are not welcome.”

“Hope has to ask McHottie if he’s a sadist.”

“A… What? Oh. Gotcha.” Tony shoved the bag back at Hope. “Eat all you want.” Without another word, he carried on toward his office and closed the door.

“Well, then.” Skyler brushed her palms together. “I’ll let you get it over with.”

“You’ve been his contact person.”

“About that…I’ve still got to firm up the next set of recommendations for you and confirm the arrangements with the International Club. Lots of work to do today. I’m very busy.”

The main office phone rang. “Duty calls!” After a quick glance toward Tony’s closed door, Skyler grabbed a handful of M&M’s, then dashed toward her desk.