“Nothing else about this case has been by the book. You will have to stay outside the room in the hall. If I say stop, you freeze. Got it?”

“Got it.” Her tone was honest, but Logan knew better. She was going to see this to the end. “If we locate him and break the news about Nicki, maybe we can get a full confession out of him. Between fraud cases from the FBI and conspiracy to commit murder from the state of Colorado, he’ll be going away for a long time.”

The detective stepped toward her. “You do not have control of this case.”

“Of course.” She nodded. “Sorry.”

“Give us a minute,” Logan said, walking out of Liam’s office and into the lobby with Elle in tow. “This time, you need to follow instructions. Hell, the detective has been pretty damn tolerant. Don’t wave a red flag in the bull’s face.”

She smiled up at him. “You’re right.”

“Wait here,” the detective said, walking toward the office. “I’m going to bring a couple more men inside.”

“We’re not going far.” Logan caught Elle’s hand and led her aside. He slipped his index finger under her chin and then tipped it higher. He leaned down and kissed her, lost himself in the softness of her lips as he pulled warmth from her and fed hungrily. Her soft moan reaffirmed what he was about to do. He pushed her away from him, so she could see the seriousness of his face before he spoke.

“We don’t have but a minute, and this probably isn’t the time or place to say this, but I love you.” He couldn’t stop now. “When Eric sees how much I love you, he’s going to be happy for us. And I’ll make sure your grandmother never wants for anything.”

“Say that again.” She paled, color drained from her cheeks.

“All of it?”

“No. The I love you part.”

The knot in Logan’s gut unwound. The weight on his shoulders disappeared. “I love you. Have for a long time. Will you marry me?”

Detective Lexington cleared his throat. He had two uniformed officers with him. “If you two are going, fall in.”

“Yes, sir,” she responded, hurrying to stay up with the men.

That she hadn’t answered Logan’s question was troubling.

* * * *

Elle took deep breaths during the walk to the elevator. A mixture of fear, anger, and excitement had her blood surging. Logan dropped his arm over her shoulder. His presence instantly calmed her. She couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life with him.

“How are you holding up?”

“Good.” She found she was telling the truth. “I think after it’s all over, I’m going to need another vacation.”

“You got it. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go as long as the sand is white and the water is warm.”

They got off the elevator and walked to the suite. Hanging on the door handle was the familiar Do Not Disturb sign. The detective held his finger to his lips and opened the door. He pointed at Elle, positioning her to the side. She bit back a groan but complied. The minute the detective turned his back, she moved to where she could see inside the room.

The men separated after searching the common room and walked into the bedrooms. Logan held up his hands and shook his head at her.

“This isn’t good.” The detective led them out of the suite. “You two check with the men at the airport. Ethridge is not to get on a plane.”

Elle stood in the doorway. Her mission had been a bust. She had nothing that might recoup her grandmother’s money. She turned to walk away. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” the detective asked.

“Crying.” She went into one of the bedrooms and listened. Whining? Elle sucked in a breath. She walked to the closet door and gently tapped.

“Nicki? Is it over?”

A hand clamped onto Elle’s shoulder. Logan held his finger to his lips and shook his head. A few minutes passed.

“Did you kill her? May I come out now?”