He paused in the doorway. “I trust you with it.”

“And that’s a good thing.” Elle raced past him, naked as the day she’d been born, to her side of the suite.

Logan ordered breakfast, then sat down at the bar. He checked his phone, hoping to find a text or message that at least one of the electronic files had been safely opened. He was also waiting for an email from Eric with information on Cheyenne Forrester. Finding neither, he opened the folder that Brandon had given him last night. Dissecting the documents line by line, Logan looked for any claim or promise of riches. He needed facts that would hold up in a court of law.

Two hands stroked his shoulders. He’d never get tired of having Elle’s hands on him or having her scent wrap around him. A knock on the door pulled him to his feet.

Minutes later, he and Elle were eating breakfast. They chatted about the weather and spending the day enjoying the beautiful mountains. It occurred to him that they sounded much like a married couple on vacation. He had to voice his concern about today.

“You weren’t serious about skiing today, were you?”

“Absolutely. We’re going to enjoy today. Maybe when we get back, we’ll have news about the files.”

He had to be honest with her. “I don’t like it. Don’t forget that someone tried to kill you.”

“I’m not likely to let that slip my mind.” Elle’s head tilted to the side. “You’ll be with me the entire day.”

“You scared Brandon. He may not know why you’re on the hunt, but he’s fully aware you’re nipping at his heels.”

“If you’re going to play the part of a rich guy, we can’t hang out in the room all the time. Our free stay at the castle will be over soon. We’re as safe on the slopes as we are sitting in the coffee shop. We’ll be in broad daylight and surrounded by people.” Elle took a sip of coffee and then stood. “I’ll be ready in a flash.”

Elle quickly dressed for the slopes except for her toboggan, and her heavy outerwear and boots, which were in a backpack. She’d slip them on once they got to the ski desk.

She found Logan already changed and waiting for her. He took her pack and carried it with his.


She rose on her toes and kissed him. “Just remember, you’re a better skier than me.”

“Stronger maybe but not better.” He reached for the door.

“I’ll get that,” she said. “Your hands are full.”

She led the way to the elevator and pushed the button. Just as the doors opened, his cell chirped. He stepped inside, allowing her to enter.

Logan set the backpacks on the floor, retrieved his phone, and turned the caller ID screen toward her.

“Eric,” she groaned.

Logan nodded, pushed the speaker button, and held the cell so Elle could hear. “You find something on the Forrester woman?” Logan asked.

“She’s had a few brushes with the law. Three arrests for prostitution. No convictions. One of her customers filed a complaint stating that she took their role-playing too far and damn near beat him to death. He later dropped the charges. That was the last time she showed up on our radar. Where’s Elle?”

Eric had changed the direction of the conversation so quickly that Logan and Elle had been caught off guard. A second of silence passed.

“She’s right here. You want to speak to her?”

“No. I want you to keep her out of trouble, but do it at arm’s length.”

“We’ll talk after I get home.”

“Remember me? I know how many hearts you’ve left in your wake. We’ll fucking talk now.”

“Must’ve been because the right woman hadn’t come along. I gotta run.” Logan ended the call. “He may never forgive me.”

“Sure he will. He’s your best friend.”

Logan stuffed his phone back into his pocket. “Interesting stuff about Nicki. That is, if she and this Cheyenne Forrester are the same woman.”